To be recognised as a knowledge resources centre of distinction, integral to the
realisation of the University’s mission, vision and goals. To fulfil this aim, we will:
> enrich the student academic experience by equipping students with the
skills to succeed as independent learners
> promote and support world class research and scholarly communication
initiatives through integrated, client-centred discovery systems and services
> foster a highly skilled and flexible workforce, recognised for exceptional and
innovative service
> create stimulating, engaging learning spaces (physical and virtual) to foster
collaboration and exploration of knowledge resources
Our mission is to enable access to quality resources and services for excellence in
research, teaching and learning by:
> delivering a range of services and technologies to enable the effective discovery
and use of needed resources, irrespective of their format or location;
> providing leadership and expertise to support independent learning and
research in an increasingly diversified scholarly information environment, and;
> capturing and promoting institutional research outputs.
Client service goals:
> Exceptional service
> Integration of flexible information skills programs in collaboration with
academic staff
Financial goals:
> Effective and efficient use of available resources
> Provision of resources and services that have a high ratio of value to cost
Internal process goals:
> Client-centred access to resources
> Demonstrated application of business excellence principles
Learning and growth goals:
> Skilled and knowledgeable staff equipped to respond to change
> Effective succession management and leadership development