Measuring up
A commitment to exceptional service, focussing on the unique needs of students
and staff ensures that we take opportunities to enable clients to tell us what
they think we do well and where we need to improve. During September, over
2800 clients responded to the Library Client Survey and over 1500 offered
further feedback through their comments and suggestions. Some of the high
level outcomes include the Library being positioned in the top quartile for:
A notable improvement was in the area of ‘Information Resources’ moving from
a performance rating of 78.8% in 2010 to 82% in 2012 (the highest performer in
the national benchmark database scored 82.6%).
The main issues identified for improvement were more computers and group
study spaces as well as improving wireless access.
• Overall satisfaction – a score of 5.81 out of a possible 7 (up from 5.71 in 2010)