Getting ready to StartSmart in Moodle
The StartSmart tutorial and quiz, compulsory for all commencing
undergraduates, were targeted for early integration into the new Moodle
platform. Content and questions were refreshed to deliver three new
modules: Expectations@uni; Resources@uni and Integrity@uni.
The new Learning Platform will provide a gateway to additional Library
Services, such as the Library Catalogue, Readings, StaySmart, Referencing
and Citing, Ask a Librarian and access to Subject Guides.
Removing the frustration in getting full-text content
Eliminating the number of steps required to jump between writing, Google,
publisher’s sites and the Library was a key driver for finding an innovative
and easy to use plug-in to access full-text content. The Library Toolbar
is a one-click solution whether on a publisher’s page or while browsing
content on websites or other documents. The plug-in works in two ways:
by forcing access from a publisher site to Library subscribed content by
reloading the page to recognise a UOW affiliation; or to search Summon, the
Classic Catalogue or Google Scholar by highlighting keywords or phrases
in a publication and using the right click function of a mouse. The Library
Toolbar was downloaded 1,155 times.
Expanding and enhancing student spaces
Averaging 1,455,333 visits per annum since the last Library extension project
was completed in 2008, demand for space and seats has far outstripped
available capacity. Minor capital works earlier in the year enabled the creation
of an additional 60 student spaces and the relocation of the Academic
Space. The allocation of newly vacated space to the Library in an adjacent
building was highly welcomed. Works commenced on repurposing a former
high-density staff space into an open quiet study space accommodating in
excess of 250 seats and an additional two postgraduate rooms in readiness
for Autumn Session 2013.
Works also commenced on reshaping existing service configurations to
support more self-mediated services such as self loans and an open Short
Loans collection and holds service.
Supporting Arts Student Mentors
A faculty initiative promoted opportunities for collaboration and greater
efficiency in student engagement and information skills support. Librarians
provided training to student mentors within the Arts Faculty, whose role was
to provide one on one peer support services to commencing undergraduate
students. Particular emphasis was placed on accessing resources and
services. One outcome was the reduction in one-off first year Library classes
due to the tutorial support provided by the mentors.