2012 SCORE Prize Winners: Ensuring Excellent Teaching (excerpts) | Page 5

You know that if you’re hired here, then you’re going to be working.” “John Sevier Hiring Process” http://thescoresheet.org/ 2012/11/09/a-rigorous-teacherselection-process-increases-rigor-inthe-classroom/ ENSURING EXCELLENT TEACHING Teaching excellence at John Sevier Elementary starts with careful recruitment and selection of highly effective teacher candidates and continues through thoughtful nurturing and cultivation of teachers’ instruction, intervention, and assessment skills. Recruiting and selecting teachers. Since high performance expectations for both teachers and students matter so much at John Sevier Elementary, leaders look closely at their teacher candidates to find those who will best fit at the school. John Sevier uses a multi-stage process to hire teachers. First, the school posts the job description, which clearly highlights the school’s expectations for the position. Wilson and Boles, along with a hiring committee that is composed of a diverse group of educators, attempt to meet with as many candidates as their schedules allow. Second, the pool is narrowed down to between three and five candidates. These candidates are required to develop a 30-minute PowerPoint presentation with criteria including data analysis of John Sevier, school demographics, and teaching pedagogy. They are also provided with a scenario that presents a challenge to provide the committee with insight into how the candidate will engage students and their families. Last, the interview process includes time for the candidates to ask the committee clarifying questions. Current teachers say this process helps the school identify candidates who will be a good fit for John Sevier. “I interviewed in another district and was offered two other teaching positions. But I know they wanted me here and wanted me for who I was and what I stood for,” one teacher said. “I got to see that my values matched the values of the school and so it was the best fit for me.” Another teacher added, “If you’re going through this process and you see something and think, ‘I can’t do that,’ it’s a filter almost and you shouldn’t be here. 17 Pathways to the Prize Lessons from the 2012 SCORE Prize School Winners Supporting new teachers. New teachers receive support through instructional coaching designed to develop and refine their classroom instruction. The coaching is designed to help teachers build rapport, understand best practices, reflect on their teaching practice, and encourage a passion for learning. Coaching from peers in the school and district is based on Quantum Learning Tenets. The Quantum Learning Tenets model immerses coaches in self-reflection on their skills, talents, and resources, their own learning trajectories, and their practices as a teacher. Coaches discuss changes in the profession, learning beliefs, competency stages, and ways to increase beginning teachers’ efficacy. Coaches also learn about the goals of coaching, creating rapport, the coaching cycle, and plans and strategy for support. They receive training at the school on district evaluation criteria, observation protocols, walkthroughs, recording detectable data, and providing feedback on things the teacher is doing right and opportunities to improve. Teachers become proficient in coaching commands, paraphrasing, mediating, clarifying, contextualizing, informing, modeling, rehearsing, and debriefing. New teachers say the coaching is very supportive, accelerates their skills, and helps them feel competent. Providing professional development for all teachers. John Sevier not only offers training and support to new teachers, but works to ensure that all teachers receive high quality professional development tailored to their specific needs. Several teachers at John Sevier have had many years of classroom experience, and the school offers multiple forms of professional development for these veterans to promote consistency in instruction and depth of learning for students. Teachers discuss topics like instructional pacing, establishing goals