2012-2013 College Track Annual Report | Page 10

[SCALE: WHERE W E AR E AN D W H ER E W E’RE G O I N G ] 2011-2012 2012-2013 2013-2014 Goal 2016-2017 Goal Total Enrollment 1109 1355 1651 3000+ High School Enrollment 791 950 1117 2200+ College Enrollment 318 405 490 950+ College Graduates 136 169 207 463 Number of Sites 5 6 7 11 [SU STAI NABI LI TY: HO W W E S U PPO RT O U R QUA L I TY AN D S CAL E] 2012-2013 Booked Revenue $11,034,416 Less: Revenue for Use in Future Years (588,902) Revenue for Use in Current Year $192,767 $78,787 $884,867 $312,837 $4,922,410 $236,998 10,445,514 Booked Expenses 9,194,066 Less: Adjustments for Non-Cash Expenses (233,153) Cash Expenses 8,960,913 Cash Provided by Operations 1,484,601 $4,405,750 Individuals Cash Used for Investing/Financing (1,403,190) Foundations/Grants Government Grants Change in Cash 81,411 Beginning Cash 1,137,767 Ending Cash 1,219,178 Partnerships Scholarships Interest Fees and Other In Kind Support (Source: Fiscal Year 2013 Financial Audit) East Palo Alto • Oakland • San Francisco • Los Angeles • New Orleans • Colorado