2011 NAMCA AGM Vol 1 | Page 24

NAMCA AGM 2010 Partnership for Developing Masaba Land MEET THE 2010 AGM KEYNOTE SPEAKER Dr. David Smith O.C., M.ML.J., D.U. One of his proudest achievements is the establishment of the David Smith Youth Centre. A youth drug and alcohol treatment centre in Ottawa. The centre is dedicated to the treatment and rehabilitation of young people between the ages of 13 and 18. When the centre was founded, there was no treatment or rehabilitation available for this age group in the region. David Smith was born in Ottawa to RussianJewish immigrant parents who chose to settle in Canada to give their children a better future. He was raised and educated in Ottawa, Ontario, where he has continued to live. His early employment, along with his 13 brothers and sisters, was in his father’s shoe repair store in lower town. David has become well known for his commitment to his community and its well being. He credits his parents with having instilled in him the gift of giving early in life, particularly for those who are the most disadvantaged in the community. This has been a particular inspiration throughout his life. David’s boundless enthusiasm and unshaken belief in mankind represents the key ingredients to his incredible success in gathering like-minded people around an issue or a cause to change things and improve the lives of others. His passionate commitment to the carious causes and fundraising on their behalf in Canada and elsewhere in the world has raised over One Hundred and Forty Million Dollars for these organizations. 24 In addition to his commitment to the National Capital area, David was one of the first private individuals to publicly address the hopelessness and sense of defeat suffered by the young people of Davis Inlet, Labrador, and set about establishing a drug/alcohol treatment program to resolve the problems. His caring for young people is not limited to those with addiction problems. David realized that training facilities were not available for young people to obtain any type of light skills or job training if they were not computer interested. His approach was unconventional and some would call it “very daring”. D O.C., M.M.L.J ., D.U. Dave receiving his Honorary Doctorate of Medicine from the University of Ottawa. Dave has also received his Honorary Doctorate of Law from Carleton University.