The NAMCA ERC Project
The Educational Resource Center project was established by the NAMCA board to provide counseling and recreation
services to AIDS orphans. A primary goal of the project is to initially provide these orphans with a place that will offer a
recreational facility, counseling services, and a health clinic. In order to equip them with tools to over-come their adversity,
the center will provide a library and will offer vocational training in key artisan trades.
The project is to be implemented in 2 phases, spanning 3 to 5 years.
Phase 1
The association plans to raise funds and partner with
local AIDS organizations to provide counseling, health
and recreational services. These activities, listed in the
order of the projected implementation, will operate from
rented premises to be leased in Mbale town and will
include: Counseling and Psycho-social care Health clinic
for infected orphans Nutrition and basic dietary information
Immunization services Recreational center with a wide
variety of games for entertainment Wellness center Fitness
center (Gymnasium) Community extension services
to monitor the livelihood of the orphans in their homes
Organizing seminars and workshops on HIV/AIDS issues.
Phase 2
During this phase, the ERC moves from rented premises
to a permanent home to be built on a prime plot of land
already leased from the Mbale Land Board on 5 Park
Crescent, Mbale.
A goal of this phase is to construct a 10-floor building which
will house the ERC and will serve as the operational center
for NAMCA activities in Uganda. Part of the building will
be commercially leased in order to raise funds for ERC
Phase 1 and Phase 2 may overlap but the goal is to start
with Phase 1 as soon as funds are secured.
Financial Projections
It is projected that US$ 40,000 will be required to start off Phase 1 and $15,000 annually to maintain the core services of
the project. Construction costs for the building in Phase 2 are estimated to be $300,000 for the first 2 floors.
Funding Sources
The association plans to raise this money using donations from the membership and soliciting from charitable
organizations. The NAMCA Annual General Meeting (AGM) will be a potential event for fund-raising activities. The
government of Uganda will be requested for Tax exemptions.
Donations are welcome and encouraged via the website or sent to the Treasurer using the address
indicated at the same website.
Join us Saturday, May 29th from 7:00pm - 12:00am • Fund-raising Dinner & Dance
All proceeds will go towards the ERC Project.
for AIDS Orphans