Government. It belongs to every Mu-Masaaba and should be owned by every Mu-Masaaba and non Bamasaaba resident
in Masaabaland in Uganda and Kenya and also friends and well wishers of Bamasaaba.
• Seeking for government support to source for investors and investment opportunities in order to create employment
and services for our people.
The descendants of Masaaba living today in Uganda, Kenya and the Diaspora are estimated to be about 5.5 million. This
• Acquisition of land at Mutoto and embarking on a range of projects among them; the Museum, sports grounds,
amphitheatre, etc to realise its economic objectives to uplift the welfare of Bamasaaba.
means that if you all harnessed this numerical strength and united to exploit the rich resources we are endowed with, you
• Promoting food security in Masaaba land to enhance agriculture.
would become a force to reckon with economically. Inzu Ya Masaaba as a Cultural Institution embraces Bamasaaba in the
different political shades but it is itself above politics and should not be dragged into political wrangles.
In June 2011, we have a plan to kick-off the membership drive as one way to raise money for Inzu. Even if One Million of
these responded positively to this membership drive, the money collected would be handsome and would go a long way
in realising some of our dreams.
My submission to the Bamasaaba and non-Bamasaaba in Uganda, who support our aspirations is that an ordinary
• Dialoguing with the Central Government to consider equitable share of political appointments for our people.
• With the current information age, the need to build a website to market INZU through Information and Communication
Technologies. On to this, an opportunity to acquire Bamasaaba a radio would be a great addition to get a channel of
creating awareness and sustainability of the institution.
• Lastly, I am soon forming a Cabinet within constitutional provisions. My ministers will be drawn from Bamasaaba in
Uganda, Kenya and Diaspora. I plan to appoint a number of Ministers for External Relations; resident in North America,
Europe, Buganda region including Kampala to begin with. This will create an immediate impact on the w&77&??G2?@??v?VB??&RV6????V?&W'6??fVR?b&?WBVv?F6?????w2????FV?F??W6?B????W"W'6???B?fR?V?&W'6??fVR?b?????V??bVv?F6?????w2S????f?fR?V?G&VBF??W6?B?????f?"W???R?V?V?WV??6&?0??V???6WB??2W???R'????r?fR?V?&W'6????R?B?Tr6?2????????R??????B??R?V?G&VBF??W6?@??6??6Rv?FWfW"vRv???F??v???FWV?B?????W?2F?R?V?2F?6??WfV?V?G2??v?V?B??RF?W6R??46??fV?F???6?????w2?????F?v?fR???b??R6???V?vRF?&R6W&??W2v?F?v?BvRv?BF?6VR???W"?fWF??R?Bf?"?7FW&?G????2W?6V??V?7??F?R&W6?FV?B?bVv?FF???6???GFVB???6V?bF?&R?fR?V?&W"??fV''V'?gF?#?B???R?0??(
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