message from the president
The President of NAMCA, Members of the Board and Executive Committee of NAMCA, Distinguished guests, all delegates
present in your respective capacities:
Fellow members, I begin by welcoming you all. The NAMCA Board and Founders Council,
Friends, and Members from Canada, Uganda, Great Britain and other parts of USA and of
I congratulate you upon reaching this day and wish you every best in all your endeavours and to have a successful
course the host families in California San Diego.
convention weekend in San Diego. I send apologies that I, together with my entourage could not make it to this important
convention. I had wished to join you in exploring the advantages of technologies and still be able to discuss our culture
I take this opportunity to welcome you all to the 12th Annual General Meeting of the
and all that makes us unique besides, providing me an opportunity to share, increase collaboration and strengthen bonds
North America Masaba Cultural association. I thank you all for taking the time to
with you all, my fellow Bamasaaba and sympathizers in the Diaspora. However, given the financial position of the Central
travel from the various Parts of the world to attend this important meeting. I especially
Government, I was let down at the last minute. However, I want to assure you all that I am with you in spirit.
give a warm welcome to those who have travelled from Uganda, your attendance
and commitment in terms of time and resources reflects the great value you attach
My suggestion to you for future events is that an alternative travel arrangement should be sought for Umukuuka Masaaba
to NAMCA .
rather than relying on government that has many other demands.
Friends before I proceed with business Lets take heart and have a moment to be mindful of our brothers and sisters that
As you all may be aware, our cultural institution is still young and we have not fully settled nor have we had an office space
once played a Major role in this organization and are now gone ahead of us. Dr Michael Nandala Buyinza, Mzei James
yet. This is partly because the election of Umukuuka Masaaba coincided with the Presidential and the Parliamentary
Khaikhai Dad to Michael Welishe, A ????X]H?????\?[??[X[XK\????[??H?X[????Z?[?H[??\??X?[?B??[X?[??[??H[??[?H?[???\Z[??[\?[?\???][?[XY\??\[?[Z]Y[YH?Y?[?H??[\?K?H[????Y??H?H??[[\??[X?H?[?\?H?[?YY??H]H?Y??]??\??]\??[Y?H]Y?ZH[\???[?\????SP?H?????X?][??H\?X?[?\??][??Q???