2011 Greater Muncie Habitat for Humanity Annual Report 2011 | Page 18

2011 TRIBUTES In Memory of Frank Allgood In Honor of Dick Artes In Memory of Doris Beckham In Memory of Arthur and Meryl Biggane In Honor of Sharon Brown In Honor of Dr. and Mrs. Richard Burkhardt In Memory of Mr. Simon Cabral In Memory of John Carter In Memory of Mr. Bobby Cary In Memory of Paul Collis, Sr. In Memory of Mark A. Collison In Honor Of Jim and Barbara Crookston In Memory of Dorothy Crowther In Memory of Clara Belle Estep In Memory of Dave Harris In Memory of Joe & Lydia Harris In Memory Of Michael Heath In Honor Of Marty Kendrick In Memory of Henry Marshall In Memory of Lloyd Nelson Ball State University Accounting Dept. Mr. and Mrs. Dale Lindley Ball State University Accounting Dept. Dr. Meryl Mantione Mr. and Mrs. Dale Lindley Anonymous Ms. Judy Kay Lee Ball State University Accounting Dept. Ball State University Accounting Dept. Ball State University Accounting Dept. Halteman Villas Association, Inc. Mrs. Frances Sargent Mr. William York Mr. and Mrs. Steven Smith Mr. and Mrs. Rodney Richard Ms. Imogene Taylor TK Constructors, Inc. Mr. and Mrs. William Barnette Mary Jo and John Sgro Ms. Carla Lynch Pepsi-Cola Employees Mr. and Mrs. Rodney Richard Ball State University Accounting Dept. Ball State University Mr. and Mrs. Al Brown Dr. and Mrs. Richard Burkhardt Mr. and Mrs. William Calvert Ms. Diane Calvin Mr. and Mrs. Joe Cotten Mr. and Mrs. Larry Crabtree Dr. and Mrs. Ned Griner Mrs. Katherine E. Grover Continued... In Memory of Lloyd Nelson In Honor of Sallie Nye In Honor of Jack and Sallie Phelan In Memory of Tom Pinger In Honor of Angie Pool In Honor Of Jake Reams In Honor of Sherry Riggin In Memory ?\?X\?H?[???[?????X??H?Y?Y?\? ?[?\?H?Z?\?[?????[??H?\??[?Y[[?H??]?[??Y?[[?Y[[?H???\????H[?Y[[?H??X[?[?[?Y[?[???\??[?\?????\?X[?\??[?\??\??H\?[??\??[?\???[Y\??\???????[?\???X??]?XY\???[Y\?Z]?[??[?\???\??\?X\??\?][\?[?\?[???]?[??\??[?\???Z?H?X[\?\??^?[??H?X?H\??[?\???Y???^?\?\?\?H??H\??[?\????\?[?X?\??\?Y[??Z?[???[?\???????[?\???\??\?HX?^H\??[?\???Y??Y???Y?\???[?\???[??H??\??[?\??????X[H\??[?\????\??\??\??[?\??^\?? ???]\??]?\??YH]?[?YH?\\??\??\?Y[[?YH?Y??[?\?X[???[??[???[?]H[?]?\??]HX???[?[??\ ?\??[?\??]?Y?Y?Y?\???H\ ???[Z[H ????[Y\???Y[??\?\??[?\????[?]????[?]H[?]?\??]HX???[?[??\ ?\???X?H?Y]?\??]?\??YH[?]YY]?\??\??\??[?\??\??H?[??\???N??