(201) Special Parent 2016 Edition | Page 20

fitting in while excelling The Gifted Child Society helps the brightest children overcome social difficulties T he term “gifted child” might imply that a child with a high intelligence level would be assured of success, both academically and in daily life. In reality, to reach their full potential, gifted children (GC’s) often need proactive nurturing to evolve their intellectual skills and emotional well-being at the same rate. When developmental needs are not addressed, GC’s may struggle. 18 S P E C I A L PA R E N T | 2 0 1 6 E D I T I O N “GC’s can have asynchronous development, where their mental capacity develops faster than their emotional and social abilities,” says D’Arcy Natale, co-managing director of The Gifted Child Society (TGCS), a nonprofit organization dedicated to providing enrichment programming and other resources to gifted children and their families. GC’s, whom TGCS defines as those with an IQ of 130 or higher, “often can 201magazine.com/family THINKSTOCK BY JACQUELINE GOLDSCHNEIDER