(201) Health 2024 Edition | Page 34



JESSICA W . BLUME Impact Medical Allergy Asthma and Immunology 140 N Highway 17 , Suite 204 , Paramus ( 201 ) 523-9797
THEODORE FALK Allergy and Immunology Associates of Teaneck and Ri�er Edge , PA 63 Grand Ave ., Suite 100 , River Edge ( 201 ) 487-2900
HOWARD M . FRIEDMAN Washington A�enue Pediatrics 95 N . Washington Ave ., �ergen�eld ( 201 ) 384-0300
DEBORA K . GELLER Vanguard Medical Group 466 Old Hook Road , Suite 24E , Emerson ( 201 ) 649-8100
RUTH L . GOLD Summit Health 19-21 Fair Lawn Ave ., Fair Lawn ( 201 ) 801-5409
NEIL I . MINIKES Summit Health 500 Piermont Road , Suite 304 , Closter ( 201 ) 564-7777


�ave you ever wondered who is your �doctor�s doctor , � which physicians are trusted and sought out �y colleagues for medical care� �eing asavvy health care consumer and researcher is asmart idea , �ut securing that information can �e daunting . So ( 201 ) Magazine turns to MSP Communications , aleading researcher and pu�lisher ofSuper Doctors , to do that work for you .

MSP Communications asks �ergen doctors to nominate colleagues ( certainly not themselves ) inthe county they would choose if seeking medical care for themselves or someone close to them . The Super Doctors research team then investigates further , searching for e�ceptional doctors to complement the results . Candidates are evaluated on indicators of peer recognition , professional achievement and any disciplinary history . Doctors are grouped into specialties . Those with the highest scores from each grouping are invited toserve on a�lue ri��on panel to evaluate the candidates in their specialty . Finally , doctors who ac�uired the highest total points from the surveys , research and �lue ri�- �on panel review are selected for inclusion in�ergen�s Top Doctors . Of course , no list is perfect . Many �uali�ed doctors who are providing e�cellent care to their patients may not �e included onthis year�s list . However , ifyou�re looking for e�ceptional physicians who have earned the con�dence and high regard of their peers , you can start your search here .
For acomplete description ofthe selection process , visit www . superdoctors . com .
SIMA MITHANI ENT & Allergy Associates 433 Hackensack Ave ., The Continental Pla�a , Floor 2 , Suite 204 , Hackensack ( 201 ) 883-1062
LEONARD SILVERSTEIN Hackensack Meridian 82 E . Allendale Road , Suites 7A �� , Saddle River ( 201 ) 236-8282
STEVEN PAGANESSI Hudson Crossing Surgery Center 2E�ecutive Drive , Fort Lee ( 201 ) 292-3123
ELIE M . ELMANN Hackensack Uni�ersity Medical Center 30 Prospect Ave ., Hackensack ( 551 ) 996-3213
PAUL M . ANDREWS Bergen Cardiology Associates , PA 400 Frank W . �urr �lvd ., Suite 22 , Teaneck ( 201 ) 928-2300
continues on ne�t page
GETT� I�AGES ����� MS� Communications , Inc . All rights reserved . Super Doctors �isaregistered trademark of MS� Communications , Inc . �rinted with permission . No part of this list may be reproduced , stored in aretrieval system , or transmitted , in whole or in part , in any form or by any means without the written permission of MS� Communications , Inc . DISCLAIMER : The information presented is not medical advice , nor is Super Doctors aphysician referral service .
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