(201) Health 2024 Edition | Page 26

giving back



Before COVID , Anne Tizio filled shifts at Chilton Medical Center ’ s information desk , giving directions and filling out visitors ’ passes . But when she returned to the hospital , she took up avolunteer role that makes good use of her particular skill set .

“ Anne is apeople person with avery calming demeanor ,” says Chilton ’ s coordinator of volunteer services , Denise Quackenbush . “ She greets every patient with awarming smile .” Inother words , she ’ s just the type of person to make scared and anxious patients coming into the pre-operative area for surgery , and their loved ones in the surgical waiting room , feel more comfortable . “ Anne makes them , as well as their family members , feel at ease , and assures them that we will take great care ofthem ,” says Quackenbush .
On Thursdays from 7a . m . to noon , Tizio greets entrants to the surgical services area . Some are there for same-day procedures such as hip replacements , back surgery or carpal tunnel repairs , but others are there for an endoscopy , catheterization or another procedure . After they have been registered and signed in , she prepares their charts and calls down to the pre-operative area to make sure beds are available . She escorts patients there ortoradiology orthe cath lab , and explains to family members that they ’ ll stay inthe waiting area while patients are prepped .
“ There are only six bays for pre-op , and sometimes itgets crowded ,” she explains .“ It ’ sstress-inducing to be separated . Sometimes , ifsomeone is elderly and wants adaughter or son to come along , that ’ s okay . Orsomeone will say ‘ Ireally need to be with my mother !’ Then I ’ ll call the nurse and say it ’ s important , and most times the nurse will say that person can come .”
While family members wait , they can check their loved ones ’ status through acolor-coded tracking system ; Tizio also lets them know where the coffee shop is located . Another reason she ’ s agood match for her volunteer duties at Chilton , she says , isthat she likes “ dealing with patients who aren ’ t sick or super-ailing , and who are probably going to get well after their same-day surgery .” n
24 2024 EDITION ( 201 ) HEALTH