(201) Health 2023 Edition | Page 25


Experts say it ’ s never too early to start thinking about the types of care an older loved one may need , how to pay for it , and what needs to be done to assume the legal reins to handletheir paperwork and finances , and secure access to their medical records . Here are some of the most important steps to consider .

FIND OUT IF ASSISTED LIVING OR INDEPENDENT LIVING IS THE RIGHT FIT Family members should talk with a loved one about where they would like to receive care . At home ? In assisted living ? A nursing home ? At home with aday program outside the house ?
OBTAIN ACCESS TO MEDICAL RECORDS Know who their health providers are . Make sure permissions are on file to see their medical records at the physicians ’ offices and hospitals where they receive care . It ’ s helpful for the responsible family member to have apaper copyofthe HIPAA form for use in emergencies .
GET DURABLE POWER OF ATTORNEY FOR HEALTH CARE Make sure their health care proxy — the “ durable power of attorney for health care ”— is up to date , and that the person designated to make such decisions understands what ’ s involved . What are the patient ’ s wishes ? Is the proxywilling to carry them out if , for example , it involves declining ventilator assistance ?
ASSESS THE COST OF SENIOR HOUSING AND CARE Think about what resources are available to pay for care . If they have long-term care insurance , find out what it covers and how it is activated . Talk with a financial planner . Many people end up having to sell their loved one ’ s home to be able to pay for care .
GET POWER OF ATTORNEY FOR AN ELDERLY PARENT Get power of attorney to manage bank accounts and pay bills . Update legal arrangements to reflect new realities . For example , a wife with dementia should not hold the power of attorney for her husband , nor should an ex-son-in-law be executor of an estate .
PREPARE TO MANAGE AN ELDERLY PARENT ’ S MONEY Assemble bills and financial statements and consolidate accounts to make financial management easier for a relative to take over . Keep track of all financial transactions to be ready for the five-year “ lookback ” the Medicaid application requires .
MAKE ACCESSIBLE HOME MODIFICATIONS Consider their housing needs . Can they stay at home with such modifications as grab bars or stairlifts ? Do they want to move to a smaller one-level home or an apartment ?
STAY COVERED If elderly parents have long-term care insurance , find out what it covers and how it is activated .
GET ON SENIOR LIVING WAITING LISTS Get on the waiting list for housing at independent or assisted living , or in a continuing care retirement community or a town ’ s affordableor senior housing units , in case they may want to move in the future .
FIND TRANSPORTATION FOR WHEN THEY CAN ’ T DRIVE ANYMORE Think about driving and transportation needs . Consider a gradual driving “ retirement ” that avoids highway or night trips . Set up a GoGoGrandparent account or teach them how to use Uber or Lyft . Find out whether local senior transport services are available and help them try out a ride .
LEARN ABOUT TAKING TIME OFF WORK TO CARE FOR AN ELDERLY PARENT The New Jersey Family Leave Act allows many employees to take up to 12 weeks off to care for anyone facing serious illness , including aging parents . The job is protected under law . Participants are paid 85 % of their average weekly wage up to $ 1,025 per week .
SENIOR SERVICES BY COUNTY IN NEW JERSEY Many of New Jersey ’ s senior services are run at the county level . An Area Agency on Aging ( AAA ) operates in all 21 counties and acts as “ one-stop shopping ” for senior needs . It coordinates all programs on aging and serves as the central source for information and referral for services . Bergen County residents can reach out to the Bergen County Division of Senior Services at One Bergen County Plaza , 2nd floor , in Hackensack ; ( 201 ) 336-7400 .
@ 201magazine ( 201 ) HEALTH 2023 EDITION