(201) Health 2023 Edition | Page 18

COURTESY OF SANDY DECK fighting Parkinson ’ s
Finally , on September 30 , 2020 , Deck had her first operation and stayed overnight in the hospital . After the second surgery , when the doctors connected the wires from the electrodes in her brain with the battery in her chest , she could feel her tremors stopping , and left the hospital within acouple hours .
Ayear later , Deck posted to Facebook , “ Exactly one year ago , I went to bed knowing that tomorrow would be the day that could change my life … And change my life was exactly what happened .” Instead ofshaking uncontrollably , she says she now walks aSheepadoodle rescue dog expected to grow to 90 pounds , exercises , swims , boxing , and works out on her Peloton . ( Deck conducted arecent phone interview while on her treadmill ; an email ahalf-hour later found her still there .) One of the most compelling incentives for her to get the surgery was the prospect of holding agrandchild without worrying , and that goal has been fulfilled — her son and daughter-in-law
HAPPY BIRTHDAY Deck ’ s family comes together at Archie ’ s first birthday party . The assembled are Deck ’ s son , Jason , and daughter-in-law , Michelle ( holding Archie ); son-in-law Brett Grossman and daughter , Lauren Grossman , with grandson Max ; Deck , Liv Grossman and Deck ’ s husband , Jonathan .
had ababy , the third ofDeck ’ s three grandchildren , who will be 2inOctober . “ We ’ re super grandparents ,” she says of herself and her husband .
“ We are so pleased to see her able to play with her grandchildren and enjoy her favorite activities again ,” says Clar , noting that “ The DBS was integral to her remarkable improvement , but credit also goes toSandy ’ spositive attitude and continued focus on healthy eating
and exercise .”
Deck says she still has asmall tremor in her left leg , but it hasn ’ tstopped her from doing anything she ’ d like to do . She recognizes that there ’ s no cure for Parkinson ’ s , and that it ’ saprogressive illness . After three years , she ’ ll have to have the battery in her chest implant changed , but she ’ s optimistic about a rechargeable battery that should be available next year . ■
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14 2023 EDITION ( 201 ) HEALTH