(201) Health 2019 Edition | Page 14

HEALTH TIPS HEART HEALTH: What you need to know Here are four things you can do right now to be healthier 10 2019 EDITION (201) HEALTH 1 GETTING MORE EXERCISE IS EASIER THAN YOU THINK The Department of Health and Human Services currently recommends 150 minutes of moderate aerobic activity — brisk walking, swimming, even mowing the lawn — per week, ideally, spread out as opposed to over a short time. But hitting goals is less important than getting incrementally better, says Dr. Richard Besser, president and CEO of the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation in Princeton. “Adding even 10 minutes a day to what you are doing right now will make a difference,” he says. “Start small, experience some success, and then build from there. Every little bit helps.” Skip the elevator for the stairs; if possible, walk to your destination instead of driving there. Get an activity tracker like a Fitbit, and don’t leave home without it. A word about kids: Many health providers express concern about a trend of increasing obesity in young people due to a lack of exercise. “This is a population that’s going to develop coronary disease earlier because they’re sedentary, playing video games,” warns Dr. Fadi N. Chaaban, chief of cardiology at Clara Maass Medical Center in Belleville. He urges parents to make sure their children get aerobic [heart rate-raising] exercise for 30 to 45 minutes, four to five times weekly. 2 A GOOD DIET IS A GIFT TO YOUR HEART Healthy food choices, per the AHA, include a variety of colorful fruits and vegetables; whole grains; oily fish such as salmon; some lean meats; nuts, and low-fat dairy products, in reasonable portions with no accompanying high-calorie, low-nutrient sweets. Teenagers who learn to make these choices for themselves won’t have to break bad habits as they get older. But watching what you eat and the portions you give yourself doesn’t mean having to consume small amounts of calories for the rest of your life. “Studies have shown that reducing body weight by just 5 percent may decrease your blood sugar, blood pressure and cholesterol,” says Dr. Irina Benenson, an assistant professor at the Rutgers School of Nursing in Newark and New Brunswick. “ All of these changes are beneficial for your heart.” 3 4 SMOKING IS A BAD HABIT, PERIOD Smoking damages blood vessels and increases the risk of multiple diseases. And with the advent of the e-cigarette, Dr. Chaaban sees a resurgence of the practice among young people. “The whole (idea) is for folks who are smokers to use them as a transition to not smoking, but what we’re seeing in the young population is the opposite,” he says. He sees a movement by young people from e-cigarettes to regular cigarettes, and believes that more regulation of the product is required. LET YOUR DOCTOR BE YOUR COACH No matter how good your diet and exercise habits are, it’s important to have regular checkups. Your doctor will tell you if your blood pressure, cholesterol levels and weight are where she’d like them to be. “Elevated blood pressure and cholesterol don’t produce symptoms, so people don’t know they have them, but they’re important risk factors,” says Benenson. The AHA warns that blood pressure of 130/80 or higher increases your risk of stroke and heart attack. “Bad” cholesterol (LDL) should optimally be below 100. And because fat tissue produces chemicals that increase inflammation in the blood vessels of the heart, potentially leading to a heart attack, your doctor may suggest lifestyle adjustments to lower your weight. “You have to know your numbers,” says Dr. Sahni. She gives patients pamphlets about nutritional advocacy and advises them to seek information at Cardiosmart.org, a patient-friendly site, and Heart.org, the website of the American Heart Association. ❖ Y ou don’t have to be a husband to have a “widowmaker.” Oakland resident Cathy Garbor, 67, learned that the hard way seven years ago. For a month, Garbor, a fixed income trader, had been having on-and-off pains that radiated from the center of her chest and down both arms. Thinking that she didn’t want to over-react, she continued to shop and decorate for the holidays. But over the Thanksgiving weekend, the pain came to stay. Only then did Garbor, who was living in Maplewood at the time, ask her son to take her to St. Barnabas Hospital in Livingston, where an EKG showed a near total blockage in her left main artery. Garbor had triple bypass surgery hours later. “Men will come in because their wives are their advocates, but women are often caregivers who’re always taking care of everybody but themselves,” says Dr. Sheila Sahni, an interventional cardiologist affiliated with Hackensack Meridian Health. “Also, men tend to have more dramatic presenta- tions of symptoms, such as chest pains. Women may have neck or jaw pain, heart- burn, a migraine or a one-sided headache. Anything that comes out of the blue between the navel and the nose should be ruled out for heart disease.” Cardiovascular disease isn’t just the num- ber one killer of men; more women die of it than any other disease, including breast cancer. The American Heart Association and other nonprofits have educated and advocat- ed for ways to reduce heart disease for years, and it’s been working; rates have decreased by 75 percent since its peak in the 1960s. What are the habits and lifestyle choices that can keep you and your loved ones healthy? Here’s what experts want you to know: WRITTEN BY CINDY SCHWEICH HANDLER