The dreaded essay test.
We all know the routine. The instructor reads the question aloud. Your stomach lurches. With your blue book in hand. you sit and ponder the question. Thoughts, feelings, and emotions begin to well up inside your brain. You make a few doodles and notes. Then you pick up your pen. You begin to write swiftly, trying to keep pace with the thoughts streaming through your mind.
Question: What does home mean to you?
Answer: The basic definition is a house; four walls, some windows, a door; a shelter. Yet at the most profound level it is the place where one finds hope, dignity, and love. When you stand up to turn in your essay, you are proud. You have captured the nuances, the virtue, and the promise of what ’home’ means to you. Your head is held high. That is how we at Habitat for Humanity; donors, volunteers, Partner Families, Board members, and staff feel about the work of our hands. Habitat for Humanity gives Partner Families an opportunity to live and grow into all that God intends for their lives. Freshly painted rooms, cozy kitchens, and spacious front porches invite families to hope; for their children, for their future, and for the community around them. A newfound dignity produces love and service to others. An inner peace awakens the dreams of the past. Yes, Habitat builds physical structures, but the true impact is realized when a house becomes a home. As you survey our essays, reflect upon your own response. What does ’home’ mean to you? Anita Kishel Board President 2008-2010