20 Summer Time Recipes June | Page 38

Roasted Summer Vegetables PARVE | 4 servings These veggies get spruced up with a horseradish aioli perfect on the side of any summer meal. Ingredients 1 pound baby peppers 2 bulbs fennel, sliced 10 garlic cloves Olive oil Salt and pepper to taste 1 bottle Gold’s Horseradish Mayonnaise ½ cup dill Directions 1. Preheat oven to 475° F. 2. Combine the peppers, fennel and garlic. 3. Drizzle olive oil and salt and pepper on the vegetables and roast until tender, about twenty minutes. 4. While vegetables are roasting, blend the Gold’s horseradish mayonnaise with the dill. 5. Serve vegetables with horseradish-dill aioli. Recipe courtesy of Shifra Klein and Joy of Kosher with Jamie Geller Magazine 38 | For holiday recipes, meal ideas and more visit JOYofKOSHER.com 39 | joyofkosher.com/golds