20 Summer Time Recipes June | Page 32

Horseradish Guacamole PARVE | 8 servings For my guacamole, all I did was add a bit of Gold’s Prepared White Horseradish and wow, did that make a huge difference. I can’t believe I never thought of it before, just a little horseradish in your guacamole is absolutely genius. Ingredients 2 avocados, nice and ripe Juice from one lime ½ white onion, chopped fine 1-2 tablespoons Gold’s Prepared White Horseradish ¼ cup chopped cilantro, optional Directions 1. Peel and pit avocados. 2. Scoop out flesh into a bowl and mash with a fork. 3. Add onion and lime juice. 4. Taste and add salt. 5. Stir in horseradish to taste and sprinkle with cilantro if desired. Recipe courtesy of Tamar Genger and JoyofKosher.com 32 | For holiday recipes, meal ideas and more visit JOYofKOSHER.com 33 | joyofkosher.com/golds