2. Solutions Class 12 Chemistry Chapter 2 Solutions, Class 12 Chemistry | Page 3

Types of solutions
During summer after returning home from outside it feels refreshing to drink a glass lemon water . What is it actually ?? It is nothing just a mixture of salt , sugar , lemon juice in water . This a rehydrating solution . Solution can be defined as a liquid mixture with minor component ( salt , sugar , lemon juice ) uniformly distributed within the major component ( water ).
The component of a solution present in the huge quantity is referred to as solvent which determines the physical state of the solution whereas the components of a solution present in the lesser amount is referred to as solute .
In the case of lemonade Water is the solvent whereas salt / sugar are the solute .
Types of solutions
Solutions can be broadly categorized into two types :
Homogeneous solutions : Solutions with uniform composition and properties throughout the solution are known as homogenous solution . E . g . solution of salt or sugar in water , cough syrup , cup of coffee , Mouthwash , perfume are homogeneous mixture of chemicals and dyes , etc .
Homogenous solution of salt dissolved in water ( left ), a cup of coffee ( right )
Heterogeneous solutions : Solutions with nonuniform composition and properties throughout the solution are known as heterogeneous solution . E . g . solution of water and sand , solution of oil and water , water and chalk powder , etc .