2. Solutions Class 12 Chemistry Chapter 2 Solutions, Class 12 Chemistry | Page 13

Solubility of a solid in a liquid
Solubility is a physical property of a solution . It can be defined as the measure of maximum amount of solute that can be dissolved in a quantified amount of solvent .
10g of glucose powder soluble in 90 g of water
This property of solution depends upon the factors like :
o The nature of solute and solvent and the interaction between them : The stronger the attractions between solute and solvent molecules , the greater will be the solubility .
o Molecular size of solute : Larger molecules are more difficult to dissolve in solvents whereas the smaller molecules dissolve easily and are more soluble in solvents . o
Polarity : Polar solvents ( having bonds with different electro negativities ) like Water , ethanol , formaldehyde dissolve polar solutes whereas nonpolar solvents ( having bonds with similar electro negativities ) like pyridine , toluene , and hexane dissolve nonpolar solutes .
o Temperature : Rise in temperature increases the solubility . o Pressure : Rise in pressure increases the solubility .
Solubility of a solid in a liquid
Solution of sugar or salt dissolved is a common example of solubility of a solid in liquid . But it is not necessary that all solids will dissolve in liquid .