2_E3_POSTCONFERENCE.magazine | Page 37

Always Say Yes

It all starts with saying yes . Kevin and Brittany shared that when you have the opportunity to do anything you say yes — even when you don ’ t want to .
“ WE ’ VE ALMOST NEVER SAID ‘ NO ’ in the last several years , especially since we ’ ve started the YouTube channel . We take as many opportunities as possible ,” explains Brittany . She continued , “ AND THE MORE OPPORTUNITIES YOU TAKE , THE MORE YOU WILL BE PRESENTED WITH . And it suddenly becomes this massive , incredible , mind-blowing , domino effect .”
Kevin chimed in with his experience too : ” I ’ m telling you , it just opens up a whole new world . YOU MEET PEOPLE YOU NEVER WOULD ’ VE MET IF YOU DIDN ’ T GO .”
Living life waiting for new opportunities to happen will leave you waiting forever . But when you dig in and make life happen , that is when you begin to find the sweetness in life .’

Big Risks Can Equal Big Rewards

The couple acknowledges that the younger you are , the more risks you can take . So three years ago Kevin and Brittany quit their jobs and went all-in on their YouTube channel , Lite Brite . They had six months ’ worth of savings in the bank and devoted every ounce of blood , sweat , and tears into growing their online presence .
However , at month six , they felt defeated as they had barely made any progress . That ’ s when they said yes to yet another opportunity , Jeep Beach . While attending the week-long event they were able to soak in knowledge from friends and fellow YouTubers to make the changes they needed to expand . And it worked . Month seven is when everything began to change . From there , Lite Brite Nation grew and grew to the point where Kevin and Brittany are generating more income now than in their previous careers .
Brittany explains , “ Sometimes to get that big reward , to get where you want to be in life , there will be risks involved . THERE WILL BE SACRIFICES INVOLVED . IT ’ S WHETHER OR NOT YOU ’ RE WILLING TO MAKE THOSE SACRIFICES AND TAKE THOSE RISKS THAT MIGHT DETERMINE WHETHER OR NOT YOU GET THAT REWARD OR GET TO WHERE YOU WANT TO GO .”