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Neighborly Talk Neighborly

Email : nt @ theshoppersroute . com


Ask . Answer . Advise . Phone / Text : 917.300.9058
Ask . Answer . Advise .
Hair ye , Hair ye
I would like to hear from my fellow Neighbors if they might possibly have a solution . Is there any solution for a relatively young man whose hair is falling out ? Not only that , but any new hair that grows in , comes in as white hair . Is there anything that we could do to stop the hair loss ?
Answer to Question # 933
Newborn Acne
I use an amazing product that helped clear my child ' s eczema . It literally relieved the itch right away and my child started sleeping at night for the first time in months ! His skin is completely smooth ! It ' s available on their website ashlemnaturals . com or by calling 347-433-7858 . They are very helpful and knowledgeable when you reach out to them .
Answer to Question # 961
Blighted Breathing
Many readers have advocated for taping the mouth for certain breathing problems . Does that also help for snoring ? Are there any other solutions for snoring that are easy and do not involve devices ? …
TO SHARE YOUR TALK Please be aware that some Reach out via : people have chronic stuffy
Phone / Text : 917.300.9058 noses , or children who Email : nt @ theshoppersroute . com have colds have their The Williamsburg noses
Talk Platform . full of mucus and are very congested . Putting tape on the mouth in such instances can be very dangerous . … I was told to try taping my child ’ s mouth . You can try doing it for 5 minutes the first day , 10 minutes the second , 15 minutes the next , and so on until they can sleep through the night with it .
Answer to Question # 968
Soothing Solution
When some children are constipated , it can be an indication that they are intolerant of milk . Try limiting milk or adding water to it . Flaxseed is also great to take on a daily basis . You can try adding a spoonful to yogurt . It ’ s also important to increase your child ’ s fruit and vegetable intake , and to make sure they drink lots of water .
Answer to Question # 974
Drooly Darling
A great way to help a child who drools , is to get them to drink from a straw . This helps strengthen their oral muscles .
Answer to Question # 982
Sad Silver I find that in the summer
60 SHOPPERS ROUTE February 5 , 2025