1st written work: approaches in action 1 | Page 10

Audiolingual method

Purpose statement:

In this activity the students will complete a chain drill with information abouth actions that they can do.


At the end of this activity the studends will be able to ask and answer questions using CAN and verbs.

Materials and resources needed: Worksheet.

Description of activity:

1) The teacher will give a worksheet which has phrases about what they can do.

2) The teacher will ask them orally,” what can you do?” And the students have to answer “I can..” individually.

3) After that, the students will work in pairs asking the same question to their partner, and giving an appropriate answer until all students have asked and answered in chain.


We always have to remember that as teachers we do not have to teach only written content, because pronunciation is also very important, and this method is very useful because you can also teach grammar structures with it.

Level: first year of primary.