1st Qtr 2023 CCSF CDP Contractor Tools 1st Qtr 2023 | Page 3


Welcome to a New Year and new beginnings ! We are excited about the many project opportunities that 2023 brings for our LBEs and primes . As always , our Contractor Development Program ( CDP ) team stands ready to support you with any training and technical assistance needs you might have , from strategic development and prequalification to bonding challenges and cash flow projections .
During the past year , we have welcomed more than a dozen new contractors into our CDP program and reconnected with LBEs who are expanding and beginning new construction projects within the City and County of San Francisco ( CCSF ).
This year , several large construction projects are continuing , including : San Francisco International Harvey Milk Airport Terminal 1 ($ 1.25 billion ); Hayes Point ($ 1.15 billion ); SFPUC Biosolids Digester Facilities Project ($ 939 million ); and SFPUC Southeast Water Pollution Control Plant New Headworks Facility ($ 550 million ).
If you have not already enrolled with us , we urge you to do so because we can provide business development support and prepare you to grow and meet your goals in the construction industry . The articles in this issue of Contractor Tools will help you build a solid foundation for success and give you the knowledge every LBE needs to further their business and make critical connections with decision-makers in the industry .
On page 10 , we summarize the CDP seminars held in 2021-22 , including commentary from participating subcontractors . For 2023 , we have a number of helpful webinars that we will present in succession for LBEs who want to learn how to navigate in the public works arena . Each webinar will build on the preceding presentation to provide a roadmap to success .
Meanwhile , if you ’ re interested in learning how to remain competitive in the construction business without giving up all your profits , check out our article on Financial and Strategic Planning on page 4 . Find out what common challenges contractors face and how Merriwether & Williams Insurance Services can help you overcome industry obstacles .
In this issue , we ’ ve also highlighted two of our newer contractors : Imara Duarte of Deep Root Cleaning , Inc . and Claytis Norman , owner of Integrity First Plumbing , Inc . Imara outlines what it took to start her business and discusses her plans for expansion , and Claytis shares his experience in securing a Contractor Accelerated Payment Program ( CAPP ) loan .
We hope this new year brings you much success , growth , and happiness , and want to remind you that we are here to assist you with all of your contractor development needs !
With best wishes for the New Year ,
The City and County of San Francisco Contractor Development Program Team
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