1969 Voice Of The Tennessee Walking Horse 1969 May Voice RS | Page 20

As they sat discussing the situation , Helen came back from entering the horses . As she hooked the numbers on a hanger on the side of the pick-up truck , she said , " Lonny . . . I just had the oddest experience over at the entry tent . Mrs . Kroger — you know , Johnny ’ s sister-in-law ?” Lonny nodded that he knew who she meant . " Well , she was entering the horses and when I walked up to the desk she was all smiles and was glad to see me . She even asked about your leg . Well , when I entered the horses and put down Martin Luther as the rider of your two-year-old , she looked at me real funny and said , ' Mrs . Barnes , I don ’ t believe you want your colored groom to show here , do you ?’ ” Helen told them how she went ahead and entered the horses and how there was a lot of talk when she left .

, V BUUE by Charles Barry Sanderson

" Hey , Barnes . . . we want to talk to you !” The sound of an ominous and threatening voice came out of the shadow at the end of a truck as Lonny Barnes and his crew were unloading two horses from a trailer . Lonny reached for his crutches and hobbled toward the figures gathered in the shadows . As he neared the group he could see that there were three men who were obviously not regulars on the horse show circuit . He eased over to sit down on the ramp of the truck
and said , " Now . . . what can I do for you fellows ?” After a few minutes ’ conversation Lonny could see that he was in for some trouble . One of the men , a big burty fellow in his late twenties , punched a rough finger into Lonny ’ s chest and said , " Well , man . . . I ’ m tellin ’ ya . . . you better not let that nigger set foot in a ring on this mountain ' cause iffen he does he won ’ t never see the valley again .” The other two mumbled their own threats to add extra meaning to what their friend had said . One fellow , a thin gauntlooking man in overalls , spat tobacco juice at Lonny ’ s
feet and said , " You just ' member what we said . We mean it !”
Lonny made his way back to the front of his truck and looked around for M . L ., who was busy inside the trailer . He saw Don Hill , who had come along , as usual , to help , and called to him . " Don . . . come here a minute .” Don finished removing the leg wraps from their two-year-old stallion and came over to where Lonny was sitting in a folding chair . " Sit down here just a minute . . . we got some real problems and I really don ’ t know what to do .” He paused to light a cigarette and , as he put the pack back into his coat ,
said , " Have you ever heard about the reputation of this mountain concerning the Negro population ?” Don
laughed and said , " You mean about the pride the local folks take in saying that ' The sun don ’ t set on a nigger on Nero Mountain ’?” Lonny nodded and said , " They ain ’ t kidding !” He continued to tell Don about his confrontation with the three mountain boys and the threat they had given him .
Lonny and Don had gotten together with M . L . and explained the situation to him . Lonny had pointed out that it . really wasn ’ t important that they show and that nobody would get mad at him if they withdrew their horses and just enjoyed the show . When they had finished talking , the slight Negro looked Lonny right in the eye and said , " Mister Barnes , we came to show , and if you ’ ll let me I ’ ll sure do it . I ’ m not afraid of a bunch of hillbillies .” As far as Lonny was concerned , that settled it . They would show .
The word was out on the showgrounds that there was going to be some real trouble if the black boy
showed . To Lonny ’ s surprise , the large part of the Walking Horse regulars rallied to his side . Several trainers came over and said to let them know if he needed any help and , needless to say , a good group
of colored grooms had already gotten together to discuss what they would do if anything happened .
Darkness had settled on the mountainside and Lonny sat at ringside with his foot in a chair . The management of the show had provided him with a box seat and let him know that they were glad to see him there . The show was well under way and the Lonny Barnes Stable had just won their first blue of the
season . Little Carol Jones took the juvenile class in convincing manner and Lonny had to admit that
M . L . had made some improvements in her horse since he had taken over . After announcing the remaining winners , the announcer said , " Ladies and gentlemen , we are real pleased to have one of the nation ’ s foremost Walking Horse trainers with us on
the sidelines tonight . He is a man we all know and respect and he is the current World Champion trainer after winning the Grand Championship last year on BEAU GENTRY . Mr . Lonny Barnes and his wife Helen . . . let ’ s all give this fellow a big hand !” He added , " We hope you ’ re back in the saddle soon , Lonny !”
Lonny and Helen had gone back to the pick-up truck to check on M . L . before he showed his first
20 Voice of the Tennessee Walking Horse