1969 Voice Of The Tennessee Walking Horse 1969 March Voice RS | Page 51

Rabies is another disease the veterinarian will consider in planning the vaccination program , especially in areas with a history of outbreaks in dogs and wild animals .
Many Causes Of " Poor Condition ”
Another common problem , particularly noticeable in the spring , is " lack of condition .” This may be indicated by a rough , shaggy coat that does not shed properly — dull , lackluster eyes — sluggish action — even lameness , limb deformity and poor growth . Such symptoms may be caused by nutritional deficiencies , but they may also indicate more serious conditions as parasites , infections , or organic ailments .
Only your veterinarian — backed by his laboratory — has the professional skill and training for proper diagnosis and treatment . If he determines your horse needs a conditioner , he will recommend one of proven potency and dependable efficacy , such as Clovite , to get your horse back into top condition in minimum time .
Feet Of First Importance
There ’ s an old saying , " No feet , no horse .” Undoubtedly good , sound feet are of highest importance to useful performance . The veterinarian will check thoroughly for soreness or tenderness in the feet and pasterns . He ’ ll check whether hooves are properly angled and trimmed , and whether shoes are properly fitted and adjusted , and take needed corrective action .
He ’ ll pay particular attention to the colt ’ s feet , as it ’ s highly important for them to be properly trimmed at an early age . When about 6 weeks old , the hoof wall tends to roll under the sole , affecting the hoof wear , and the hoof doesn ’ t develop in a proper manner .
Working up the leg , the veterinarian checks the shanks and canons , hocks and knees — for swelling , sensitivity or soreness . Finally , he will watch the horse in action to see that he travels free and easy , without jerking or stiffness . Catching early symptoms of feel and leg problems can help prevent more serious lameness later .
Attention To Teeth
Many horse-owners overlook their horse ’ s teeth — mainly because they are not easy to check . But the veterinarian is aware that a " bad tooth ” can be the cause of inadequate chewing — and this in turn can lead to poor nutrition or digestive upsets . He ’ ll see that damaged or diseased teeth get proper attention .
In his complete check-up , the veterinarian will see that the heart , lungs and other vital organs are functioning properly . He ’ ll note signs of coughing , short breath , anemia . He will examine the genito-urinary system for any infection or abnormality . He ’ ll check the condition of the skin , the eyes , ears and muzzle — every part of your horse from head to hoof .
Later Back At The Lab
But he ’ s not through yet . He ’ ll take fecal specimens and blood samples back to his laboratory — for further tests and examinations . This assures you the full benefit of modern science in maintaining your horse ’ s health and vigor .
Many veterinarians today offer a complete ' Managed Health Program ’ — which includes regular examinations , vaccination and worming . MHP is cooperatively sponsored by Fort Dodge Laboratories and veterinarians in the interest of better horse care . Stressing prevention , and combining several procedures on each call , makes MHP a practical way to protect your horse ’ s health . Your veterinarian will tell you about MHP and also provide a horse health booklet for the asking .
Management of your horse ’ s health is your most important responsibility as a horse-owner . Your horse represents a big investment in future pleasure and performance . Protect it with a spring check-up .
DO YOU KNOW ? Horse Health Quiz
1 . Do you know horses are subject to more internal parasites , or worms , in greater numbers than any other domestic animal ? And over 90 % of all horses have worms ? 2 . Do you know there are 5 major internal parasites that can cause great damage to your horse ? And most horses have 2 or more kinds at
any one time ? 3 . Do you know it takes a laboratory analysis by your veterinarian to determine the type and degree of worm infestation of your horse ? 4 . Do you know tetanus ( lockjaw ) is a constant threat to every horse ? That it is nearly always fatal ? That it can be easily prevented by vaccination ?
5 . Do you know that encephalomyelitis ( sleeping sickness ) is spread by mosquitoes ? And the basic reservoir for the disease is birds ?
6 . Do you know a bad tooth or teeth with sharp edges may cause inadequate chewing — with a loss of as much as $ 50 per head per year for feed — and may lead to digestive upsets and colic ? 7 . Do you know " tail rubbing ” may be caused by pinworms ?
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March , 1969 51