ALABAMA GO BOY ’ S GREY GHOST-600453 -by MERRY GO BOY out of JIM ’ S MERRY LADY . Standing at Dan Turney Stables , Somerville . Ala . Contact Dan Turney , phone 205 / 778- 8214 . Fee : $ 100 .
MIDNIGHT DOCTOR — 600437 — By MIDNIGHT SUN out of MISS PIGG . Standing at Sterling Acres Stables , Butler , Ala . Manager : Kenneth L . Black . Phones : 459-2341 day , 459- 2486 night . Owners : Ivan and Sue Parker . Fee : Private Treaty .
CALIFORNIA MR . MILLIONAIRE - 510583 - By RHODA ALLEN out of TENNESSEE SUNSHINE . Standing at Courtesy Stables , Somis , Calin Phone : 805 / 482-3540 . Fee : S200 .
GEORGIA MACK K S HANDSHAKER - 561- 320 - by MIDNIGHT MACK K . out of DEEP PURPLE . Standing at Gene Adams ’ Stables , Sandersville , Ga . Contact Gene Adams , phone 912 / 552-2292 , night 552-2291 . Owners : William A . Fickling and Frank Talbot , Macon , Ga . Fee : $ 300 . MIGHTY RED MAN A - 641435 - By MERRY BOY ' S CHANCE out of a MIDNIGHT SUN mare . Standing at Gene Adams Stables , Circle A Ranch , Sandersville , Georgia . Contact owner Gene Adams , phone 912 / 552-2292 , nights 552-2291 .
KANSAS THE IMPALA — 540413 — By MID NIGHT SUN out of ANNIE ’ S JUDY GARLAND . Standing at McFarland Farms , Topeka , Kans . Phone : 913 / CR2-2050 . Owner : McFarlandFarms . Fee : S100 .
KENTUCKY CHIEF WABASH — 570355 - by MID NIGHT SUN out of MOONLIGHT ROMANCE . Standing at Dry Ridge , Ky . Contact Charles Bailey , 606 /
824-4553 . Owner : B . C . Cotton , 606 / 824-4232 . Fee : $ 100 .
Hamilton Stables , Morehead , Ky . Contact Vernon Hamilton , 606 / 784- 5664 . Owner : B . J . Caudill , MD . Fee : S100 .
MARYLAND MERRY BOY ’ S LAST SUN-580624 — By MERRY BOY out of SKY-WAY BELLE . Standing at St . Clair Stables , New Market , Md . Contact Eugene Wilson , phones 301 / 865-5300 , 277- 1833 . Owner : Bill St . Clair . Fee : Private Treaty .
DETTE . Standing at Sharon Lee Stables , Hastings , Minn . Contact Rudy Neiman , phones 612 / 437-6280 , 437- 4852 . Owner : Sharon Lee Hoffman . Fee : $ 100 .
MISSISSIPPI RODGER ’ S GO BOY-570051-By MERRY GO BOY out of BONNIE WHITE STAR . Standing at Shamrock Plantation , Centreville , Miss . Contact Jimmy Lee , phone 601 / 888- 6808 . Owner : Charles L . Graves , New Orleans , La . Fee : $ 100 .
SHADOW ’ S REPLICA — 570266 — By GO BOY ’ S SHADOW out of LITTLE MERRY GIRL . Standing at Sharon Terry Stables , phone 843-4602 . Owner : Mrs . Sharon Terry Love . Fee : S150 .
SUN ’ S GUNSMOKE - 540518 - By MIDNIGHT SUNout of ELROD ’ S PRINCESS ALLEN . Standing in Raleigh , Miss . Contact Jimmy McDonald , Manager , phone 601 / 782-4477 or 782-4221 , or Paul D . Thompson , phone 601 / 782-4590 . Fee : $ 150 .
MISSOURI GUNSMOKE ’ S SON - 612290 - By SUN ’ S GUNSMOKE out of MID DAY SUN . Standing at Barkley Brock Stables , Clinton , Mo . Contact Barkley Brock , owner , phones 816 / 885- 2221 or 885-4294 . Fee : S100 .
MIDNIGHT SECRET — 501167 — By MIDNIGHT SUN out of JUNE KNIGHT . Standing at Red Bridge Stables , Kansas City , Mo . Phone WI2-2000 . Owners : Dr . and Mrs . R . E . Baney . Fee : $ 200 .
PIDDLEY — 5404 68 — By MERRY GO BOY out of ANN ’ S DIXIE MAID . Standing at Red Bridge Stables , Kansas City , Mo . Phone WI2-2000 . Owner : Dr . William D . Jones , Fayetteville , Tenn . Fee : $ 100 .
MONTANA MERRY GO MIDNIGHT — 611888 — By MERRY GO BOY out of MID NIGHTS DREAM GIRL . Standing at Harlow Chevrolet Stables , Whitefish , Mont ., phone 862-2571 . Fee : $ 100 .
NORTH CAROLINA GO BOY ’ S INVASION - 550437 - by MERRY GO BOY out of GOOD NESS SAKE . MIDNIGHT BEAU - 551045 — by MIDNIGHT SUN out of SNIP ’ S CHANCE . Standing at Shadow Valley Farms , High Point ,
N . C . Contact Kenneth Lamb , Manager , phone 886-1573 . Owners : Dr . and Mrs . J . A . Johnson , phones 883- 0510 or 885-5554 . Fee : $ 150 .
MIDNIGHT HAP - 571301 - By MIDNIGHT SUN out of LADY IN MAN . Standing at Kenny Price Stables , Thomasville , N . C . Phones 476- 7367 days , 882-9390 nights . Owner : Dr . Edward L . Jones . Fee : $ 100 .
MIKE ’ S MIGHTY MAN - By MY MIDNIGHT MIKE out of MERRY BOY ’ S MAID W . Contact Dr . J . E . Reed , Gastonia , N . C ., phone 864- 5769 . Fee : $ 100 .
MY MIDNIGHT MIKE - 550093 - By MIDNIGHT SUN out of BESS VAUGHN P . Standing at F . Willis Fisher Stables , Battleboro , N . C . Phone GI2-7260 . Owner : F . Willis Fisher . Fee : $ 150 .
SHADOW ’ S HEADMAN — 581347 — By GO BOY ’ S SHADOW out of OUR NANCY . Contact Lakeview Farms , Hickory , N . C . Steve Pardue , trainer . Phone 327-2479 . Fee : $ 100 .
OHIO GO BOY ’ S BLACK MAGIC T — 600- 372 — By MERRY GO BOY out of MERRY BOY ’ S RED BIRD . Standing at Red Gate Stable , Belmont , O . Contact E . Wayne Blake , Manager . Owner : Cong . Wayne L . Hays . Fee :
$ 100 .
70 Voice of the Tennessee Walking Horse