1969 Voice Of The Tennessee Walking Horse 1969 June Voice RS | Page 63
Vic Thompson was the guest speaker at a recent
dinner meeting of the Indiana Walking Horse Associ
ation. One hundred members and guests attended
this meeting, held at the Speedway Holiday Inn. Vic
touched on many aspects of the Tennessee Walking
Horse, and reminisced on his days as a trainer in
Indiana. His address was followed by an interesting
question-and-answer session. Prior to the meeting a
beautiful show bridle was raffled. Bill Randolph was
the lucky winner, and "lucky” is the word, for Bill
won a valuable radio at the last meeting.
SHADOW’S SAND DUST, a pretty two-year-old stal
lion, is making great progress for owners Dick and
Dee Smith of Rockville. He has a great stride and,
with only a few weeks’ work, is walking up a storm.
Dick and Dee also have a nice junior horse, JOHNNY
REBEL, that is working in top form. Both horses are
with Lenard Willis.
Harold Civils is the proud owner of MERRY SUN’S
HOO DOO. Recently purchased from Lynwood Stables
in Akron, Indiana, this good gelding will be in ama
teur classes with Connie Civils up.
Herb Deadmond of South Bend has sent his three-
year-old mare, PERFECTION’S DOLLY, and a good
two-year-old to Henry Randall for training. Both hor
ses are progressing well.
At Mississinewa Valley Stables in Peru, owners Bob
and Lucille Ulery are looking forward to a good show
season. Mary Hiner is putting the finishing touches
on TROUBLE’S CASCADE, a nice three-year-old mare.
MONROE CHAMPION — Tommy Howell and ETERNAL SUN are shown as
they receive the first place award at the Fourth Annual Walton County
Horse Show. Tommy and his horse defeated a top class of aged challengers
in winning the blue ribbon.
' The Georgia show circuit for Walking Horses has
been red hot this year with first-class shows featuring
top classes for our breed. One such good show was
held in Monroe, Georgia.
The Fourth Annual Walton County Horse Show at
tracted over 300 horses for the thirty-class program.
The show was sponsored by the Monroe Primary P-TA
and they did a fine job.
Rex Watts judged the Walking Horse classes, and
the show featured both an afternoon and an evening
The winner in the Walking Horse Stake was Tommy
Howell riding ETERNAL SUN for the Sugarloaf Farms
of Atlanta. ‘Tommy had his big black stud in fine form
to win over some other top entries including the re
serve award winner, JET PARADE’S MIDNIGHT and
Huck Moss.
The Amateur Class was won by the promising team
of Patti Reams and HURRY SUNDOWN from the Big
Talk Farms in Douglasville. Reserve award went to
Complete results of the show can be found in the
Horse Show Results section of this magazine.
June, 1969
to win