1969 Voice Of The Tennessee Walking Horse 1969 June Voice RS | Page 28

" he Next Best Thing to Its Mother "
3 . The opposition group aroused members ’ interest and attendance : This is good , let it continue .
4 . The Directors now know what the membership expects ; let them move in this direction .
5 . The members learned that many of the Association faults were long past , that many who committed these wrongs are gone , and that correctr ive action had been taken : Good .
6 . It became known that registrations are handled far faster and more accurately now ; let this continue to improve .
7 . The Association agreed to apprise the members of the details of the California litigation : This is good , as the members should be kept advised of failures , as well as accomplishments .
8 . It was evident that many members wrant the directorship base broadened ; this should be done to include all parts of the country and all factions of the Walking Horse field . The proxy fight produced a conclusion . The Association was formerly in worse shape than now . Much has been done to improve it ; more remains to be done . Various Directors have stated sincerely , in public and in private , that they intend to make continuing improvements . Let us support these men with our confidence , constructive suggestions , and genuine interest in the betterment of our Association .
The Tennessee Walking Horse is the best ; it ’ s the finest pleasure horse and the greatest show horse . Let us all , through our individual efforts and through our Association , strive to equal the excellence of our breed .


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" he Next Best Thing to Its Mother "
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Gail B . Chambers Box 14 Morris , Alabama
Dr . Matt D . Holmes and Ned Ellis have started a new operation in Hope Hull called Elli-Ho Stables . Herbert Mims is the trainer and they are concentrating on both breeding and training activities . They have ample pasture and stable space to accommodate around two hundred mares during breeding season .
Mr . Ellis has a three-year-old filly by MACK K ’ S CASTRO called CASTRO ’ S LADYBIRD . He also has a three-year-old sorrel stallion by SUN ’ S EXECUTIVE that is coming along nicely . Two other three-year-olds will be showing out of Elli-Ho this year : one owned by J . L . Crenshaw ; and DR . SUN GLO O , the stallion that Dr . Holmes and Mr . Ellis purchased from Fashion Two Twenty at the Murray Farm Sale last fall . Three amateur riders have their horses here - Danny Gilliland , Bonnie Moore and Pruitt Crenshaw . They also have several pleasure horses for local clients .
Herbert is working his six-year-old bay stallion after a lapse of two years . Dr . Holmes says it is surprising how this horse has taken to training after such a long time . This just might turn out to be their stake horse .
They recently purchased SHADOW ’ S TOP FLIGHT from Wink Groover . Dr . Holmes said that he won fourteen blues out of seventeen shows last year . This black stallion will be showing in Alabama this year in both amateur and stake classes . He is also being used as a breeding stallion . OLE SHAD , as he is called , is by GO BOY ’ S SHADOW .
Jimmy D . Higgins of Albertville and Jerry Bagwell of Corner have recently purchased a sorrel two-yearold stallion , WINSTON ’ S SHOWMAN , from Ernest Smith Stables in Mulberry , Tennessee . This colt is a full brother to WINSTON ’ S ZIP CODE . Jimmy and his brother are bringing this colt along very slowly , and say he has great promise . Several horses have been sold out of the barn this spring . One , an aged gelding , was sold to Mr . and Mrs . Robert Hurley of Birmingham . Robert is working the horse himself and made a very good show at Huey town . Our daughter , Micki , is working hard and getting
ready to show our little dark bay gelding , SWANKY PERFECTION , this season . I will again be showing ALLEY CAT in Ladies Amateur Classes and my " ol ’
grey mare ,” SUN ’ S SILVER STAR , in Walking Pleasure classes . Seems that we will never retire her from the show ring . We showed all over Alabama last year , and she was tied out of the money just one time .
28 Voice of the Tennessee Walking Horse