1969 JUBILEE JUDGES — Marking ihe cards for the 1969 Columbia Spring Jubilee were ( left to right ): Buddy Moore , Shelbyville , Tennessee ; Jack Moorman , Forest , Mississippi ; and Jim Babb , Fort Oglethorpe , Georgia .
Judges for the 1969 show were Jim Babb of Fort Oglethorpe , Georgia ; Jack Moorman of Forrest , Mississippi ; and Buddy Moore of Shelbyville , Tennessee ; with Harold Sherrill of Knoxville judging gaited horses . Master of Ceremonies was the ever-popular Pete Yokley of Pulaski , Tennessee , and his program was backed up by the music of Jimmy Richardson at the organ . Ringmasters were Jim Begarly , Tom Hogan , Jr ., Larry Morton , Carrol Wall , Loyd Huckaby , Jr ., and Phil Lemon . Official Farrier was Jim Alexander of Shelbyville , and Paddock Master was Powell Hines . Co-ordinating the show were Harold Ledbetter and
Neal Wall . An extra added attraction was GO BOY ’ S ROYAL
HEIR , the 1968 World Grand Champion , who put on special exhibitions ridden by Donald Paschal for owners Dr . and Mrs . Claude Sexton of Florence , South Carolina . The popular champion never looked better
and despite a hard breeding season he can still " come up ” in great form . When " Jubilee ' 70 ” rolls around we will probably see a new Yorld Champion on exhibition and if our
champions improve as much as this show . . . look out , it ’ s going to be a thriller !
Dude Crowder , Walking Horse trainer from Creedmoor , North Carolina , recently informed us that he was agent in the sale of DELIGHT ’ S RED SHADOW for a substantial five-figure price . This very popular and much-touted two-year-old stallion recently captured the fancy of the Walking Horse world by winning an outstanding victory at the Columbia Spring Jubilee , defeating one of the finest groups of young horses ever assembled . Previously owned by W . H . Medlin of Raleigh , North Carolina , this beautiful chests
nut stallion by SUN ’ S DELIGHT was purchased by C . M . Waters , Jr . of Alexandria , Louisiana , and has
been placed in training at the C . A . Bobo & Sons Stables in Shelbyville , Tennessee , where he will be trained for even higher honors this year . This is the second year in a row that young Mr . Crowder has attracted the acclaim of horse enthusiasts with his stock at the Jubilee . Last year he won an outstanding victory in the two-year-old filly class with COPY ’ S RECORD , who also sold shortly thereafter for a top price . She is now in training with Bill Hutson at Barnwell Stables in Shreveport , La ., and is reported to be doing very well as a three-year-old .
We would like to add that the apparent success of Mr . Crowder with young horses does not indicate that he is only a " two-year-old man .” He has also had much success with his older stock as well as some top amateur and juvenile horses .
I ’ m an heir of the great Sun ’ s Delight —
A smart , 2-year old son — a real sight . *
At that some folks may wheeze —
And then snort — scoff- — and sneeze —
To them I say only — “ Gesundheit ” !!
SPECIAL EXHIBlTrnv 1968 World Grand nZ " Donalri r > HEIR . Here Is an Unr^mpi ° n Tenn^5^31 made nightly exhibition of the ly indicates that tfce et ° uehed acnneSSCe ’ lessee Walkin8 Walking Horse , GO BOY ’ S ROYAL
Urre ° t cho . ni^ ? -15 pk ° 10 at the Jubilee which clear- Dion is " worthy of hla title ."
Voice of the Tennessee Walking Horse