4 * 1fOP SALE Xj-
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' P ’ te & wt £ J . MAC CARTER
ROUTE 1 MURFREESBORO , TENN . 37130 ( 615 ) 893-5469
MIDNIGHT SUN MARE — Black , conformation of the best . 1965 World ' s Champion Mare and Foal , black stud colt at side . Double grandson of Midnight Sun ; excellent conformation ; fine , and can walk . Foaled 10-4-68 ; too late to breed back ; mare open . We believe she can win most any mare and foal class in the country , including the Celebration .
COMING THREE-YEAR-OLD MARE — Foaled 5-8-66 . Black , star and snip ; by Midnight Sun ; started late , carried slowly . Bud Seaton got her in July ; shown one time in ring of top fillies and tied second . She is- fine and has something most champions don ' t have — stamina . The top two or three mares had better watch her this coming year . Bud Seaton asked to keep her , and plans are to start her at Lebanon , Tenn .
COMING THREE-YEAR-OLD STUD — Foaled 5-1-66 . By Merry Go Boy . Black and out of a Midnight Sun mare ; granddaughter of World ' s Champion Melody Maid . On the bottom side of colt ' s papers , the first three mares have all been good show horses and all three are world ' s champions . His dam . Daughter of Midnight , by Midnight Sun , was world ' s champion mare and foal of 1967 Celebration , Melody Heiress , by Wilson ' s Allen Jr . . . . also world ' s champion mare and foal at the Celebration . Melody Maid was world ' s grand champion at the 1942 Celebration and she was by Wilson ' s Allen . This colt is being trained by David Mason . Started late and still pacing . He will have speed and stamina , and looks as though he will make a very good horse ; a show horse now and a breeding horse later . Line-bred Wilson Allen on the bottom side , and Merry Boy on the top side .
These Are Top Horses And Will Be Priced According To Their Worth
WEANLING BLACK STALLION — Foaled 4-5-68 . This colt is a 15 / 16 ' s brother to World ' s Champion Rodgers ' Perfection . He is out of a full sister to World ' s Champion Go Boy ' s Shadow , by Midnight Mack K . He is as fine as they come , and can do . Dr . Porter Rodgers has this dam ' s first colt , by Rodgers ' Perfection . He and Joe Webb said this horse has more natural walking ability than any horse they ever owned . They will show him this year .
WEANLING BLACK STUD — Foaled 3-10-68 . This colt , with star , is by Sun ' s Delight and out of a top-walking Go Boy ' s Shadow mare . This mare is o , ut of a Major Bowles mare . Jay ' s Traveler , that produced the great mare Midnight Mystery . The dam of this stud ' s first colt was Eldorado Black Label , a blue ribbon-winning mare for Steve Hill . Her second colt , a filly , had her eye injured and was bred . This stud colt is tops .
WEANLING BLACK STUD — Star and snip . Foaled 3-26-68 . This colt is by Sun ’ s Delight out of an impala mare who is out of a Go Boy ’ s Shadow mare .
WEANLING BLACK FILLY — Star . Foaled 3-19-68 . By Ebony ' s Masterpiece and out of a top-walking Merry Go Boy mare . She is out of a double Merry Boybred mare ; conformation excellent ; and can do . She may be your next world ' s champion filly .
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WEANLING FILLY — Black , star and snip . Foaled 6-31-68 . By Sun ' s Delight and out of a line-bred Wilson ' s Allen mare . This mare has had several colts by different stallions , and they have all been good . The two-year-old filly by Midnight Sun , listed above , is out of her . This weanling was second in the open class at the Celebration and reserve champion of the world .
FOR PEOPLE WHO LIKE SOMETHING BESIDES BLACK — We have that ! Weanling filly ; sorrel ; off-hind fetlock ; flaxen mane and tail . Foaled 4-25-68 , by Shadow ' s Reflection and out of a Go Boy ' s Shadow mare , and she is out of a Last Chance mare . This filly is fine , made right , loose , and can do .