1969 Voice Of The Tennessee Walking Horse 1969 August Voice RS | Page 26

PAUL SMITH-up Considered by many to be one of the all-time great natural Walking Horses . . . RIDGELEAS DELIGHT is now in training with Paul Smith. We do not antici­ pate showing him at the Celebration since Paul has had him only a short time; however, he will be in great shape for the late-season shows. RIDGELEA, a beautiful deep sorrel with a flax mane and tail, has a lot of action and stamina. Watch for him and Paul Smith as they head for the "Deep South.” 26 THREE-YEAR-OLD STALLION OWNERS: MR. AND MRS. J. D. LEE MADISONVILLE, TENNESSEE TRAINED BY: PAUL SMITH Battleground Stables FT. OGLETHORPE, GEORGIA (Near Chattanooga, Tenn.)