1968-Voice Of The Tennessee Walking Horse 1968 September/October Voice RS | Page 4
COULDN'T BE HAPPIER (Above) - Donald and Mildred Paschal catch their
breath during the happy celebration on Saturday night after the champion
ship class.
Rides GO BOY’S ROYAL HEIR to 1968 Crown!
Photography by Chappell
TWICE IN A ROW (Below) — Dennis and Betty Williams show their pleas
ure at having ROYAL HEIR win the big stake arter their daughter Candace
won the Amateur Championship with him last year.
The Tennessee Walking Horse breed has produced
some noteworthy horses in the scant thirty-three
years that the breed has been registered. Since offi
cially becoming a distinct breed the Tennessee Walk
ing Horse has seen some changes that have had a
definite bearing on the growth and popularity of this
"horse from Tennessee.” The history books relate
the story of BLACK ALLAN, who became the number
one foundation horse of our breed, and how his natural
ability to walk was finally noticed by several Middle
Tennessee horse enthusiasts. The ability of BLACK
ALLAN (ALLAN F-l) to pass these characteristics