WANTED TO TRADE : Registered Walking Horses by Celebration champions for top registered Angus cows of 0 Bardoliermere and Ankonian Excaliber bloodlines . Write Quarter Circle Spear Ranch , 3373 N . Sabino Canyon Road . Tucson , Arizona 85715 .
HORSE WALKERS - Build your own from our complete specifications , blueprints , photos . Rugged 4- horse walker . Can be built for less than S100 . A great deal of tune and money was spent in research , development and testing of this machine . Send 810 to Circle K Rack Company , Box 212-A , Clarksville , M ichigan
FOR SALE . Three good young mares , all granddaughters of the immortal MIDNIGHT SUN These mares are sired by SUN ’ S BIG SHOT H . and were purchased from Harlinsdale Farm in 1962 sale . This is a wonderful opportunity for anyone wishing to
line-breed to MIDNIGHT SUN as two of the mares are full sisters . Priced at £ 2500 for the three . Contact H . K Rushton . i \ 0 . Box 225 , Vidalia , Ca . Phone 537-5029 .
R EG 1ST K RE !) TENNESSEE WALKING HORSES FOR SALE One brood mare to foal this summer , one black yearling filly with two white stockings , one solid black yearling stud , one solid black threeyear-old stud with good show prospects . All granddaughters and grandsons of MIDNIGHT SUN . SIR MAI GRAY , and WILSON ALLEN , gentle and grain fed . morning and night . £ 350.00 and up , bring your transportation and get your bargains now . Carl Frix , -43-5 Palmer Drive . Muskogee . Oklahoma . Phone ML 7-5733 .
FOR SALE : INVASION ’ S BIG BOV . seven-year-old black roan , bold-going gelding ; 2 rear stockings , right front stocking , white blaze ; well-mannered for the amateur rider , but can provide enough challenge for Open classes as well . In addition to numerous other awards , he won the Ladies Walking Horse Class at Trout Valley in 1967 . Owned by Permanent Construction Co . For further information , contact : Don Brockman , Brockman Stables , Route 2 , Neenah , Wise . 54956 . Phone 414 / 722-0211 .
FOR SALE : Registered black and bay geldings , sires in Celebration top ten . three years old , August , 1968 . gentle to ride . S500 and £ 600 . both £ 1,000 . Contact L . R . Driggers , Dothan , Ala . 36301 . Phones 205 7 92-4145 and 792-5366 .
FOR SALE OR TRADE : Purebred Arabian stallion . Trained and proven sire . Will trade for good working Tennessee Walking gelding . P , O . Box 204 , Eight Mile , Ala . or call 205.456-6591 .
FOR SALE OR TRADE : Registered jet black filly , twenty-two months old . Breeding by B . MAJOR WILSON and WISER GO BOY . £ 650 or trade for filly or horse ready to show . Contact : Robert Bottoms , Route 1 , Crossville . Tenn . 38555 ; phone 481-2123 .
FOR SALE : Registered yearling stud colls , one sorrel , blaze , hind stockings - S250 ; one palomino , hind stockings - £ 300 . Write Kenneth Batzelle , S746 S . Broadway , Wichita , Kansas67233 . Phone316 / 524-4148 .
CONSULTANT : Are you planning to buy a horse ? Top show horse , amateur horse or stallion , brood mare or colts ? Then let our many years of experience help you . Contact Consultant , Box 254 , North Wales , Pennsylvania 19454 .
MARCH 27-31 — San Antonio Charity H ° rscMS . lB ' v >
San Antonio , Texas . Contact James C . Midcap or Lafayette Ward , P . O . Box 138d , San Antonio , Texas .
MARCH 29-30 — Jimmy Holloway ’ s Tennessee Walking Horse Sale . Jackson , Mississippi . Contact Jimmy Holloway , West , Mississippi .
APRIL 6 — First Annual Adairsville Walking Horse Show , Adairsville , Georgia . Contact C . A . West ,
APRIL 12 — East Tennessee Walking Horse Sale ,
Grav Station . Tennessee . Contact H . B . liauk , 205 North Morgan Street , Kingsport , Tennessee .
APRIL 13 — Fayetteville , Tennessee . Sponsored by the Lincoln County Horseman ’ s Association .
APRIL 13 — Meridian Charity Horse Show , Miss-Ala Fairgrounds , Meridian , Mississippi .
APRIL 17-19 — Murray Farm Sale , Lcwisburg , Tennessee . Contact Barbara Wiggins , P . O . Box 425 , Lcwisburg , Tennessee .
APRIL 20 — Second Annual Lakevicw Jayccc ’ s Horse Show , Lakevicw , Georgia ( near Chattanooga , Tcnn .)
APRIL 20 — Heart O ’ Dixie Horse Show , McComb , Mississippi .
APRIL 20 — 5th Annual Morgan County Sheriffs Mounted Posse Horse Show , Hartcscllc , Ala .
APRIL 25-28 — New Orleans Charity Horse Show , New Orleans , Louisiana . Contact Archie T . Higgins , Jr ., P . O . Box 30435 , New Orleans , Louisiana 70130 .
APRIL 27 — Chattanooga Pilot Club Horse Show , Warner Park , Chattanooga , Tennessee .
MAY 1-4 — Spindletop Charity Horse Show , Beaumont , Texas . Contact Carl Garner , P . O . Box 5183 , Beaumont , Texas .
MAY 2-5 — Greater Cincinnati Horse Show , Cincinnati Gardens , Cincinnati , Ohio . Contact Mrs . Blanch Maier , 9225 Shawnee Run Road , Cinn ., Ohio 45243 . Phone 513 / 561-4459 .
MAY 3-4 — Meta , Missouri .
MAY 4 — Opelika Horse Show , Opelika , Alabama . Contact Saab S . Phipps , P . O . Box 2322 , Opelika , Alabama 36801 .
MAY 4 — Tylcrtown , Mississippi . MAY 9-11 — Springfield , Missouri
MAY 9-11 — Shreveport Charity Horse Show , Shreveport , Louisiana . Contact Mrs . Robert Holt , 7675 Lakcshore Drive , Shreveport , Louisiana .
MAY 11 — Second Annual Children ' s Charity Horse Show , American Legion Fairgrounds , Glasgow , Kentucky . Contact : Charity Horse Show , Glasgow , Kentucky 42141 .
MAY 11-Middle Valley Lions Club Horse Show , Middle Valley , Tennessee ( near Chattanooga , Tenn .)
MAY 16-19 — Madison Imperial Horse Show , Madison , Wisconsin . Contact Madison-Imperial llorsc Show , Eleanor Killerlain , Scc . -Treas ., Route 1 , Oregon , Wisconsin .
17-J9 — Sixth Annual California Walking Horse
Celebration and Horse Show , Carnation Ring at the Los Angeles County Fairgrounds , Pomona , California .
Georgia .
MAY 18 — Columbus Horse Show , Columbus , Gc f . J | 0 fairgrounds , Contact A . C . Kn . 1104 19th Street , Columbus , Georgia 3190
MA 0141 * 25 ~° k^ho , na City Charity Horse I
Oklahoma City , Oklahoma . Contact E Ok HRJ ° riirX ' 12lh Slreet > Oklahoma Ukiahoina 73103 .
MAY 24-25 — Adrian . Missouri .
May 24-25 — Vienna , Missouri .
MAY 24-25 — American Walking Annual Show and School vania .
MAY 25--Brighton , Missouri . MAY 25 — California , Missouri .
Horse Association Quentin , Pcnnsyl-
MAY 26 — Jefferson City , Missouri .
MAY 28-JUNE 1 — Tulsa Charity Horse gu Tulsa , Oklahoma . Contact Lon Co \ P r^ nW ' 7352 , Tulsa , Oklahoma . ’ R Box
MAY 31-JUNE 1 — Eugene , Missouri . JUNE 1 — Lexington , Missouri . JUNE 1 Eighth Annual Shades Valiev v Club Horse Show . Way High Farm gR *?, S Valley , Alabama . Contact Orland L , H ;! had « O . Box 5781 , Birmingham , Alabama .’ C ’ P ’
JUNE 3-9 — Pin Oak Charity Horse Show Bell-dr Texas . Contact Carl V . Garner , 1 >. o ’ Bn w ' Bcllairc , Texas 77401 . ’ ’ Wox 396 .
JUNE 7-8 — Saddle & Sirloin Horse Show St In
Missouri , ’ ‘ ^ou , s > JUNE 8 — Franklinton , Louisiana . JUNE 14-15 — Republic , Missouri . JUNE 15 — Alamance Saddle Club Annual Horse Show , Burlington , North Carolina . Contact n A . Alexander , 1211 Rockwood Avenue Birins ton , North Carolina . ® JUNE 16 — Milan , Missouri ,
JUNE 28-30 — Little Celebration Charity Horse Show . Kalamazoo , Michigan . Contact Mrs K n- Caines , 2335 N . 36th Street , Galesburg MicR . igan 49053 .
JULY 2-4 — Owingsvillc Lions Club Horse Show
Owingsville , Kentucky , JULY 4 — Bolivar , Missouri . JULY 12-13 — Dixon , Missouri . JULY 12-13 — Warrcnsburg , Missouri , JULY 20 — 7th Annual Fayetteville Lions Horse Show , Fayetteville , Tennessee , Contact Homer Webb , 613 Fourth Avenue , Fayetteville Tennessee . Phone 433-1914 .
JULY 20 — Springfield Horse Show , Springfield , Tennessee . Contact Mrs . Robert M , Farmer Rt . 1 , Springfield , Tennessee ,
JULY 20-21 — Independence , Missouri . JULY 27 — Raytown , Missouri . AUGUST 2-3 — Claycomc , Missouri .
AUGUST 9-10 — Lenoir Optimist Club Horse Show , Lenoir , North Carolina .
AUGUST 10 — Carrolton , Missouri . AUGUST 15-17 — California , Missouri . AUGUST 18-23 — Missouri State Fair Horse Show .
SEPTEMBER 10 — 4th Annual Lincoln County Fair Horse Show , Fayetteville , Tennessee . Contact Pangle Stewart . 103 Shclbyvillc Highway , Fayetteville , Tennessee . Phone 433-2286 .
SEPTEMBER 19-21 — Springfield , Missouri . Official show of the Heart of America Walking Horse Association .
Owen W . Reeder , forty-eight-yearold Crenshaw County ( Alabama ) Extension Chairman and a leading citizen of Luverne for the past 20years , passed away Thursday , February 1 . He was ill for less than a week .
Mr . Reeder was a graduate of Auburn with a degree in Agricultural Science . He served as a bomber pilot in the European theatre , attaining the rank of Captain before his discharge in 1945 . His work was involved with agricultural matters on the county level , and he was very active in civic and church affairs .
Mr . Reeder was well-known in Alabama Walking Horse circles , and
rode many of his own horses .
He is survived by his wife , Mrs . Mary Pace Reeder , a son , Owen , Jr > of Birmingham , and a daughter , Betty , of Luverne .
74 VOICE of the Tennessee Walking Horse