1968-Voice Of The Tennessee Walking Horse 1968 March Voice RS | Page 64
This horse is in training at my
stable and I supplied him to Mr.
Crist for the purpose of carrying
the flag with the kind permission
of Mr. Shelton. 1 would appreciate
it if you would make a retraction
to that effect.
1 took notice also that you named
all the winning Walking Horses ex
cept the mare class, which was won
by myself on MISS TREVA, who is
owned by Mr. John Corbett of Clear
Springs, Md. I wandered ifthis might
have been an oversight.
Thank you for your time,
Cumberland Valley W. H. Stables
Enola, Pennsylvania
(Editor’s note: The following letter
was sent to Mr. Cebem Lee regard
ing his report on the American Walk
ing Horse Association in the Decem
ber issue. He forwarded the letter to
us and we print it herewith for clari
fication. We are indeed sorry that
the facts were in error. Thank you,
Mr. Mullins, for bringing this to our
Dear Sirs:
I would like to call your attention
to a mistake in the December issue
of your magazine.
In giving the results from the Mont
gomery Horse Show, in the Amateur
stake, my name was spelled wrong
and the city in which I live was in
correct. I’m sure this was done by
no fault of yours, only by incorrect
information which you received; how
ever I would appreciate this mis
print corrected. Even though this is
a very small thing, it means a great
deal to me.
Sincerely yours,
Atlanta, Georgia
Dear Mr. Lee:
In the December issue of the
VOICE you 'wrote an article cover
ing various subjects including infor
mation on the Penn. National Horse
In the article you stated that Mr.
L. W. Crist entered the ring at 7:30
on his horse GO BOY’S SPOTLIGHT.
It was no doubt an error in the in
formation the horse show' gave you,
but the horse does not belong to Mr.
Crist. He does in fact belong to Mr.
Lincoln Shelton of Chatham, Va. I
am sure Mr. Shelton has seen this
article and he will not appreciate
him being listed under someone
else’s name.
| the show season off right — Attend
the first major show in the Greater
Tennessee area!!! *