1968-Voice Of The Tennessee Walking Horse 1968 March Voice RS | Page 45

A Salute . m Silver MERRY GO BOY ^Anniversary; from GO ' 1943 ■1968 GO BOY’S CHATTERBOX SALLY HILL FARMS, INCORPORATED DR. & MRS. C. L. SEXTON Florence, S. C. MR. & MRS. DENNIS WILLIAMS Fayetteville, N. C. 1968 will see GO BOY CHATTERBOX emerge as one of the all-time great horses sired by MERRY GO BOY. As a six-year-old he has reached his full growth and potential and all who have seen him under the training of Donald Paschal say that he truly has the makings of a great Champion. We are proud to salute his famous sire . . . MERRY GO BOY!