1968-Voice Of The Tennessee Walking Horse 1968 March Voice RS | Page 38
CHAMPIONS ALL — This group of Mid-South Horse Shows Association
members were among those specially honored at the annual dinner meeting
held recently in Jackson. Tennessee. Among those named were the follow
ing. front row, left to right. Mary Hunt, Lori Fleming, Betsy McClain, Renee
Baker, Brenda Bramlett, Karen Jeffcoat, Mrs. Angela Batie and Tom Walsh.
Back row, left to right. Fred McRay, M. C. Jolly (receiving the award for
his daughter Suzannei, Ab Altfater, Mrs. Lucy B. McGill. Harold Walker and
W. B. Cherry.
Amory Wins Show of the Year Award
Jackson, Tennessee was the gath
ering-place for the notables of the
Mid-South Horse Show Association
during the first week of February,
This meeting is always a highlight
of the year as plans are made and
dates finalized for the annual Mid-
South Circuit. Tennessee Walking
Horse enthusiasts were much in evi
dence as many of the fine shows of
this top circuit are primarily Walk
ing Horse events.
Amory, Mississippi was selected
as the Show of the Year by popular
vote of the membership and Tom
Walsh of Amory was selected to re
ceive the Adult Good Sportsmanship
Award. Brad Keiser of Ridgely was
selected as the Junior Good Sports
man of the year.
The two-dav session consisted of
AWARD NIGHT — Key awards at the annual Mid-South Horse Shows Association meeting were as
follows: (left to right) to Jim Oakley and Kenneth Adams of Amory, Mississippi for the Amory Royal,
named as Show of the Year. Oakley is manager of the Show and Adams is president of the sponsor
ing Lions Club. Tom Walsh, also of Amory, received the Adult Good Sportsmanship award.
business meetings, organizational
meetings and general information
clinics on horse show management.
These, in addition to the Annual
Awards Banquet, made a very cor
dial and useful gathering. At the
business session the officers for the
Association were elected to another
term. Robert Henson of Okolona,
Miss, was named president; Tom
Banks of Murray, Ky. and Kenneth
Robinson of West Point vice presi
dents. Emmet Guy of Jackson is the
secretary of the organization.
The Association selected the first
weekend in February in 1969 for the
annual meeting here.
Some 600 members from a nine-
state area attended the meeting.
The highlight of the meeting oc
curred Sunday evening at the New
Southern Motor Hotel when Champ
ionship and Reserve trophys and
ribbons were presented.
Those receiving awards inthevari-
ous classes are as follows:
WALKING SEAT: Championship;
Lori Fleming, Okolona, Miss.
OLD: Championship; GO BOY’S
RENDEZVOUS, Jeffcoat Stables,
Cordova, Tn. Reserve; DELIGHT’S
ERRAND BOY, Ronnie Spears, West
Point, Miss.
YEAR-OLD: Championship; SUN’S
STRADIVARI US, Jeffcoat Stables,
Cordova, Tn. Reserve: EBONY’S
GO BOY, Bob Stewart, Oxford, Ms.
OLD: Championship; HELL’S-A-
POPPIN, Ronnie Spears, West Point,
Championship; MERRY MELINDA,
Brenda Bramlett, Oxford, Ms. Re-
serve; MACK K’S MOTION, Dee
Bufford, Dyersburg, Tn.
Voice of the Tennessee Walking Horse