1968-Voice Of The Tennessee Walking Horse 1968 June Voice RS | Page 75

If IT WILL MAKEEM WALK...SEA/D ME A j-QA/ “If it will make 'em walk . . send me a ton!” This was the re­ mark of a well-known Walking Horse trainer as he purchased his second supply of 40/to/One Premix for Horses. Needless to say, nothing can make a horse WALK except riding and training, but ... a daily ration of 40/to/One can make a good horse better by putting him in the best possible condition. How important is conditioning? Most trainers will tell you that it often makes the difference between being first or second. The horse that can “stay” with plenty of stamina is quite often the horse that will WIN. And . . . the horse that is in good flesh with lots of bloom and looks is quite often tied on that 20% conformation. Sorry, fellows! You’ll have to make 'em walk on your own . . . but we will help you with every­ thing else. One ounce per day is all that is needed to achieve maximum health for your horse. Whether it is pleasure horses, show horses, brood mares or breeding stallions, 40/to/One can help keep them in peak condition. Horse health is no longer a gamble. Get 40/to/One TODAY! ORDER FROM: 40/to/One, Incorporated P.0. Box 4263 ‘CHELATION (pronounced Key-lation)—This term comes from the Greek word CLAW, and modern usage interprets the term to mean the trap­ ping (or surrounding) of metals o r trace minerals by organic materials, thus greatly increasing absorption. (Our process of chelation is pro­ tected by Patents Applied For in the United States and 12 foreign NOTE—Dealer/Distributor Inquiries Invited for Territories West of the Mississippi River. nations.) m 40/to/One is avail­ able in three sizes as indicated below. For a short period of time it will be avail­ able only by direct order. 5 LbS. 10 Lbs. 25 Lbs. S 9.95 16.95 38,95 POSTAGE PAID ANY­ WHERE IN THE UNITED STATES OR CANADA. "Putting Nature in Balance through Chemistry Chattanooga, Tenn. 37405 FOR HORSES ORDER FORM YES! Please send me a supply of your new product 40/to/One FOR HORSES in the quantity indicated. Address ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ City________________________State__________________ Zip — Order (Check One) 5 lbs. _______ 10 lbs. _______ 25 lbs. Enclosed find check _______ Money Order ----------