1968-Voice Of The Tennessee Walking Horse 1968 January Voice RS | Page 36

( Continued from page 32 )
K filly ; for Mr . and Mrs . Don Perry , Zionsville , Ind ., a two-year-old by SPUR ’ S TOPPER ; for Dr . R . E . Frazier , rullahoma , an aged horse by SHADOW that ’ s a brot er to SHADOW ’ S GAY LADY , a top horse for aged competition . Also in the aged class they have a fiveyear-old bay stallion for Mr . A . S . Dean and Dr . King ,
In the Juvenile classes next year , Pam Havvkersmith will have a five-year-old white mare that Junior showed as a two- and three-year-old . He won seven classes in Middle Tennessee shows with this mare . Another juvenile mount is a mare , WINSTON ’ S GAY LADY , that will be shown by Diane Green . In the pony class , Sally King will be showing GO BOY ’ S COMMANDER , and Mr . J . B . Welch of Tullahoma and his MIDNIGHT BOMB will be making the show circuit from Royal
Oaks Stables .
These are just a few of the horses working out of this fine stable - and remember to stop and see the mare , EBONY ’ S MIDNIGHT DREAM .
In the December issue of the VOICE on page 43 there is an article on the Washington International Horse Show with a note about Charlie Bobo that I believe is worth repeating here . Mr . Brooks-Ward and Mr . Douglas Bunn , a jumper judge from England , became very interested in Walking Horses . They had several conversations with Mr . Charlie Bobo , who judged the Walking Horse classes , and Charlie has been talking with the Tennessee Walking Horse Breeders ’ Association in regard to doing something about getting some Walking Horses in England . If anything develops from Bobo ’ s efforts , this will be big news to report at a later date .
The new Charles Bobo & Son Stable is located on the Unionville Highway just out of Shelbyville , Tennessee . As of this month , Bobo has about 45 horses in training and is doing extensive work to make this a show farm . He recently purchased Mr . Clarence Clement ’ s show stock , including ALVIN and HAP ’ S SEN­ SATION , so that , even with a new stable , he has plenty of stock for sale at this time .
As per usual Charlie is working some top stock : TUFF STUFF for G . L . L .; PRETTY WOMAN for Dr . Renfroe ; a coming two-year-old CARBON COPY colt for Mr . Buster Brown of Liberty , Ky . and Mr . George Pittman of Memphis ; HILL ’ S PERFECTION that Kim Lovette has shown so successfully for the past two years ; and MIKE ’ S MIGHTY MAN , the World ’ s Champion Pony for Reed & Gallagher that Bobo plans to show in stake classes this year . This is just a sample of the many horses that you can see being worked at this stable if you stop by . They have two walkers , because , as Bobo says , " as many horses as I work a day , I need both walkers going nearly all the time to keep things moving .” Best of luck to Charles Bobo and his son on their new operation .
Buddy Hugh is busy as always this winter , breaking two-year-olds for the show ring this spring . Just to mention a few , he has a colt by HANDSHAKER out of a SHADOW ’ S KING COTTON dam for Berdie Raab of Redmon , Washington ; a CARBON COPY filly for gusan Sheely^n olv . and a bay colt QUARTERBACK by SUN ’ S QUARTER ’ S KEy back i ° r ™
PLAY that his three-year-old SPECIAL DE- Budov ? he Reserve Champion Two-Year-Old , is al _ LIVERY , theiR both leads . He also stated ready ^working SHADOW ’ S KING COTTON , the
he is agai Worid champion , for Mr . C . M . Waters . Three-Year-ui , g nQW a five-year-old and will be This white sta ution . Two other aged stallions ready for ag « co ^ ^ guN , g H0LIDAY for Hank that are worn B UNN for johnny Gunn . Speaking Sheely and l u e back to California to work of Johnny , h 6 helma and Don Smith ’ s ranch with Jim Landers av
in Red Bluff- four-vear-old to show in Junior Buddy has a top m J Herbert shilling of LaFay . competition thw sp^t^ ^ by SUN > S qUARTER .
Top news at the stables of Judy and Joe Martin are the horses by SHADOW ’ S REFLECTION . REFLEC­ TION ’ S SHADOW , owned by Payne , Martin & Wiser , was the two-year-old that won the Baton Rouge Stake last fall . He will be showing in three-year-old classes this season . In the Junior classes will be REFLEC­ TION ’ S UNFORGETTABLE for Bleckler , Wiser & Wiser . As was proven in the shows last year , these are both top horses . There are not too many of these REFLECTION horses around , because he did not stand for public service until Judy and Joe bought him , but if you are interested in finding one , they know where there are several tremendous prospects .
They have a barn full of top competitors for the coming season . Just to mention a few : a great fouryear-old mare by SUN ’ S BIG SHOT for John Mayher of Columbus , Georgia ; for Dr . Harold Mclver of Jackson , Tennessee , a four-year-old black roan by STATE­ LY GO BOY ; two horses for Mr . Neil Kavanaugh , one being a four-year-old by SHADOW ’ S REFLECTION ; and an aged stallion that tied second in Baton Rouge , SETTING SUN ’ S DELIGHT for Mr . and Mrs . Clark Raines , Tullahoma , Tennessee . This is the SETTING SUN horse that Sam Paschal showed successfully for the past several years , and he ’ s one of their top contenders .
O /, Tir * ” ~ wnoo , i / i 1 Cv C4.1C naiu cz for mth EB0NY ’ S CAT BALLOU anc
£ U1U CM . MM-M
For tv . Golden and Harlin Smith of Fayetteville , Ter orp men theY are working a three-year-c Ernest1 ? ly ‘ SPeaking of SIR WINSTON , ^ thrpp Lo1^ ’ !? e owner of this fine stallion , has
fillv hv QTP ° nrr and a two-year-old stallion ai Mr ^ 1RpWINS70N in training here .
vearoilH Chattanooga , Tenn . has a thr (
and Mr , t ° B ?, Y ’ S SECURITY horse in trainir three vea ' rJf | S Wlsdom of Shelbyville , Tenn . has
SHADfrars by SPIRIT OF MIDNIGHT . comine spa « S REFLECTION will be standing tl bles i^ m wlBl James Rowland at McFarlin Si some ton , h ee ! b0r °’ Tenn- » Y™ are iooking 1
Martin ^thevTnf^ ’ St- ° P by and see Judy and f y may have just what you are looking f <
( Continued on page 44 )
Voice of the Tennessee Walking Horse