1968-Voice Of The Tennessee Walking Horse 1968 December Voice | Page 69

TEXAS ASSOCIATION SPONSORS SUCCESSFUL SHOW In January, 1968, the Texas Walk ing Horse Breeders’ Association out lined projects for the year. Our mem bers were enthusiastic in their sup port of President Jim Sears’ idea to promote four new Texas shows this year. Later we found that four new shows require more legs than we have. We did find that our group could and did work together to spon sor one good show. On October 18 and 19, members of the Texas Association hooked up the trailers and headed south to Rosenberg, Texas to have Reid Es- tess judge our horses. Mind you, Rosenberg is a little town without a resident member of the Texas Walk ing Horse Breeders’ Association - completely neutral ground. The es tablished barns were well represent ed and we also had folks who had not shown a horse all year. The classes were filled with good horses. All we lacked was a crowd; the fel lowship was great. Mrs. John Sharp provided beauti ful music while Jimmy Hooten acted as announcer. Two Louisiana barns could not at tend; however, they did sponsor clas ses for us. Those who sponsored HELP WANTED Single male or married couple to live on farm, no accommodations for children. Must be- willing to work hard or break colts. Reference required, include salary required. classes were Mr. and Mrs. R. S. Barn well, Glen Loe, Dub Ivins, Mr. and Mrs. John Sharp, Dr. and Mrs. J. Byron Landress, Mr. and Mrs. Rex Frazier, Cypress Acres, Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence L. Bush, and Dr. and Mrs. Ed W. Taylor. Mr. and Mrs. Jim Sears were hosts for the after-the-show party at which Jack Handford, Caulkie LaBlanc and J. E. Haynes entertained. We are all proud to have been a part of this successful show that ten months ago was only an idea. Results of this show can be found in the Horse Show Results section of this magazine. M c K e n z ie WALKING HORSE STABLES ASHBURN, GEORGIA WELCOME VISITORS All new and modern and located in the heart of the Georgia Walking Horse Show Circuit. SHOW HORSES FOR SALE TRAINING ■ SALES ■ BREEDING henr y mc k e n z ie Owner-Trainer AMERICA’S FINEST SOURCE FOR WALKING NORSE EQUIPMENT Write to IDLE ACRES WALKING HORSE STABLES RD 5, Menoher Hts. Johnsontown, Pa. 15905 w ALLACE B RAN DON STABLES FRANKLIN, TENNESSEE PHONE 359-4474 TOP SHOW HORSES BROOD MARES AND COLTS FOR SALE AT ALL TIMES WALLACE & LAURA BRANDON VISITORS WELCOME December, 1968 NATIONAL BRIDLE SHOP P. O. BOX 292 • PH. EL 9-3210 LEWISBURG. TENNESSEE 69