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0000 ... Off SOS ! ha ™ost significant thing about
u6 4to AnnuaJ Midwest Walking «« - Sa „ s !’ eld in Kansas City on
marked if W3S the fact that the thfcoun
° f stock and ybr00dh Ss . Thecal !
dar ~ Kheld ° fhelastSatexpected . S Wd than was
us to believeSthatlirfalnStanCeSlead the crowd attend Ifrge porti ° n of
Bridge Stables event were ' ^ Red ers and realK , „ nt Were newcomabout bidding A caseainPrehenSive
a truly fine show horse th J ° W3S signed to the sale hV , nl™as con- This horse was a proven0 " B ° lmgernatural ways anriP u Tn , w ', nner with
a horse worth three , d the part of top bid on him wPhJUmesthe $ 2,200 ‘ hat a man Xf ttVenS ; n , Cel , earned
and did not bid on h- fd the sale phased him for
“‘ - " f - «• th .
stallion from Middle Ta^ breeding
background of this u nnessee- The plained in detail ho^ ? e was ex-
and potential were nil , breeding
• • • and yet the ton noutlined was not one-tenth^hifvaJue0 "
Such instances are indications of the condition of the market and they
are not altogether unfavorable . In the Midwest there are a lot of new
comers in the horse business . As such , they are reluctant to purchase
top show stock for lack of enough trainers out there to work them . By the same token , there are not enough brood mares to compensate for too
many top breeding stallions , espec ially if an immediate profit were the
motive . As a result we see a develop ing market that has done exceptionaHy well in the past few years and
continues to expand .
The bidding at the Midwest Sale this year was most enthusiastic on pleasure horses , brood mares and
young horses , and prices on this type of stock were above that which we
saw in Middle Tennessee just a week before .
As usual , the sale was handled by the management team of Dr . and Mrs . Ralph E . Baney , and they did a fine job of keeping things running smoothly . Mr . Pete Yokley was the auctioneer and he did his usual good job behind the mike . According to the records there were people there from Tennessee to Texas and Ala bama to Minnesota , indicating that this sale is really beginning to be come established after four years .
Voice of the Tennessee Walking Horse