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Name ----------------------------------------------------- j Street — ------------------------------------------------------------------------- j . Town---------------State---------------ZIP----------- for pleasure use . This is the origin of this great breed and while the " hun dred thousand dollar show horse ” will still make the headlines , it will be the Walking Pleasure Horse that will form the bulk of interest
The coming year looks great from our point of view . We are planning a lot of new articles of interest to everyone and will- have some new features for 1969 . Circulation and coverage of the VOICE has contin ued to increase and we are pleased with the increase in advertising from the Walking Horse market . We have earnestly tried to provide a publica tion that is of interest and value to everyone in the Tennessee Walking Horse business . The VOICE contin ues to have the largest circulation of any magazine reaching the Walk ing Horse market — which is a testi monial to YOU , our readers — and it continues to grow steadily .
We would like to apologize to the many people who have sent news material to us in 1968 that did not appear in the publication . We always have three times more editorial ma terial to publish than we have adver tising to pay for , and of course we are bound by the economics of our business just as you are yours .
We like to think in terms of the VOICE being " your ” magazine . . . not ours . We can publish a magazine that is as large and informative as
: you , the reader , make it . We were discussing a really large class at the Montgomery Horse Show and made note of the fact that only two or three of the many fine horses in the class of over thirty entries had ever been promoted in the VOICE . An interested bystander made the comment that , if everybody who had a good horse would run just one ad a year , the VOICE would be twice as big as it now is . An interesting observation ! We will continue to do our part if you will do yours !
by Charlotte Barnes
The Chatham , Virginia Horse Show was extremely successful this year . Hulon Ferrell of Baxter , Tennessee judged the Walking division , doing a fine job of tying horses . The people handling this show are to be com mended for their efforts . After the Saturday-night performance , there was a wonderful party held for all exhibitors in the Armory .
The most talked-about perform ance of the show was put on by that great aged mare , LU ’ S LU LU , with Kenny Burke in the saddle for Mr . and Mrs . F . L . Blount of Bethel , N . C . Many people were of the opin ion that LU LU made the best show she ’ s made in years !
On Friday night , that wonderful young lady , Debbie Felts of Roanoke , made an exciting show on her threetimes World Champion , CONFEDER ATE RAIDER , to tie the blue in the Amateur Class . Glen Trent of Lynch burg was right behind Debbie on KAY ’ S MCKAY .
In the three-year-old class it was Jack Johnson of North Wilkesboro , N . C . who made a memorable per formance on that great little stud , TUFF STUFF , for GLL Farms of Collierville , Tn . ELDORADO ’ S MER RY BOY , owned and ridden by Char lie Overstreet of Vinton , made a good , consistent show to tie second .
The always-popular two-year-old class was won by SAM COPPER- FIELD , owned and ridden by Burk Myers of Winston-Salem . This freegoing colt has a lot of motion and really " walked his way ” to the blue . The beautiful GO BOY ’ S ESQUIRE , ridden by John Shiflett of Buchanan , made a flawless show to tie right behind Burk .
In the Open Class it was amateur night as W . B . Elliott put on an ex citing exhibition with his MCKAY ’ S TORONADO to thrill the spectators . W . D . Tosh of Gretna , riding his TWICE ON SATURDAY , was close behind Mr . Elliott all the way .
Complete results of this show can be found in the Horse Show Results section of this issue .
The family of John Wesley Phillips would like to publicly express our appreciation to each and every per son who participated in making the recent " John Wesley Phillips Mem orial Horse Show ” a success . To Mr . A1 Holt , Sponsor ; Mr . Verbon Jones , Chairman ; and Mrs . Betty Neill , Co- Chairman ; the many , many others who served on committees , as well as those who worked at the show and / or donated of their time , talent and money , we are sincerely grateful .
It was with heartfelt humility and keen emotion that I was able to ac cept this honor , posthumously , on his behalf .
Mrs . . John W . Phillips
Voice of the Tennessee Walking Horse