1968-Voice Of The Tennessee Walking Horse 1968 April Voice RS | Seite 7
A starvation diet?
The best dam milkforfoals isn’t
made by mares. It’s made by
Bordens. We make it in both
powder and pellets. And call
it Foal-Lac.
From a standpoint of com
position, Foal-Lac and mare’s
milk are almost identical. While both have
the same proportion of protein, fat, and
lactose, Foal-Lac has even more of the es
sential vitamins and minerals.
If there's no apparent difference in qual
ity between what mother makes and what
Borden’s makes, there is an enormous dif
ference in quantity. For-even though the
mare seems to be nursing normally, the foal
may actually be on a starvation diet, as the
mare’s output generally declines while the
foal’s nutritional
requirements are
still on the rise.
Recent tests at
the Borden exper-
i m e nt a I farms
proved that Foal-Lac
powder reconstituted
with water is not only
the near-perfect sub
stitute for orphan and
rejected foals but the
safeguard supplement
for foals who suckle.
What’s mo re, the tests,
included in the special
Equine Edition of
Borden’s Bulletin (Vol.
VII, No. 3), show
that Foal-Lac pellets
provide older foals
with the essential
nutrients that their dams are no longer
ableto supply.
For your free copy of the Equine edition
of Borden’s Bulletin, please write Borden
Chemical Company, Animal Feed Sup-