1967-Voice Of The Tennessee Walking Horse 1967 September Voice RS | Page 17

( Continued from page 12 )
overlook in order to root for an underdog . Little things . . . like conformation , bloom and true gaits . I can remember on many occasions the crowd has picked up some pretty little girl on a fox-trotting mare . Or some unknown person on a big-lick gelding that is floating in front and racking in back , and going ninety miles an hour down the middle of the track . Sometimes it has produced results . Sometimes a judge will smile and call them in for another goround , only to have them eliminated in the workout and not get a ribbon after forty-five minutes in the ring .
An interesting thought regarding the popularity of one exhibitor this year is the fact that a lot of supposedly knowledgable horsemen joined the ranks of the unlearned and booed the judges . It is my expressed opinion that these people were not FOR the trainer in question , but rather were AGAINST the other trainers . They would rather see the top trainers get beat by a lesser horse , because they , in turn , have been getting beat by these same trainers all year . Sour grapes ? No . . . not really ! Just a natural reaction whenever a competitive spirit enters the picture .
We are not trying to rationalize the decision of the judges this year or even the way in which they tied the classes . We merely want people to stop and think . Think what YOU would have done if the decision had been yours . Think also what effect YOUR decision might have had on the future of the Tennessee Walking Horse . We hope you agree with us that " the best horse won that particular class on that particular night .” There will be other shows and other Celebrations , however !
As 32 horses were dismissed from the ring during the Two-Year-Old Filly Class on Saturday night of the 1967 Tennessee Walking Horse National Celebration , concern was mounting within the ranks of professional trainers on the show grounds with regard to the controversial ruling on horses in this category . As a result of the dismissal of so many horses from the class , a critical investigation was launched by a committee of trainers who came up with the opinion that something needed to be done to establish some means of understanding just what constitutes a " scar .”
The rule , as it now stands with the American Horse Show Association and the Tennessee Walking Horse Breeders ’ Association and the Celebration , reads , " Any horse foaled after January 1st , 1965 , with scars on the coronet or pastern area is ineligible for competition .” ( From Rules for Judging and Exhibiting The Tennessee Walking Horse , T . W . H . B . A ., Lewisburg , Tenn ., page 6 .)
As a result of the trainers ’ action , a meeting was set up for which Mr . Wink Groover of Etowah , Tennessee , Mr . C . A . Bobo of Shelbyville , Tennessee , Mr . Buddy Hugh of Shelbyville , Tennessee , Mr . Wallace Brandon of Franklin , Tennessee , and Mr . Benvis
Beachboard of Bell Buckle , Tennessee , were appointed to represent the trainers in conference with representatives of the Celebration , Incorporated . An open meeting was announced for 3:30 Sunday afternoon , to be held in front of the main office under the big grandstand . About one hundred people were in attendance when Mr . Sam Gibbons , General Manager of the Celebration , took the mike to announce the results of the meeting .
Speaking specifically about the issue at hand , Mr . Gibbons said that , as a result of the meeting just held with representatives of the professional trainers , the procedure would be changed for checking two-year-olds . After the first workout , the horses were to be lined up and both boots were to be dropped . Both Judges and the Referee were to make a list of the numbers of the horses which , in their opinion , where not in good enough shape to be shown . If any number appeared on any two cards , the horse was to be eliminated from the class .
The key to the issue was a clear-cut understanding and definition as to what constituted a scar . A release was printed and distributed stating what was to be the rule : " SCAR - scarified tissue that will not grow hair . Raw or bleeding places of any kind eliminates .”
The general consensus was that this put the issue on an equal basis and eliminated the prospect of prejudice on the part of any one judge .
A tabulation of the results of the 1967 Tennessee Walking Horse National Celebration indicates that the Blue Ribbon winners were scarce indeed . In fact , fourteen trainers took all the blues in thirty-three saddle classes and three won all the blues in the eight halter classes .
Overall results indicate that in saddle classes the Thompson-Motes team took home six blues and tied with Douglas Wolaver for the top spot . Charlie Bobo was second in numbers with four blue ribbons . The Beech Stables dominated halter classes with six blues out of eight classes . Overall results were as follows :
No . of Blues DOUGLAS WOLAVER ............................................... 6 THOMPSON-MOTES ................................................... 6 BEECH STABLES ....................................................... 6
C A BORO ................................................................... 4 WINK GROOVER .... ELMORE BROCK .... DONALD PASCHAL JIMMY WADDELL ...................................................... 2 JOE WEBB ................................................................... 2 BILLY BRANTLEY ..................................................... 1 JOHN T . CARTER ...................................................... 1 BOB CHERRY ............................................................. 1 JIMMY HACKETT ...................................................... 1 JACK JOHNSON ........................................................ 1 CHARLIE MARTIN ........ CHARLIE WILLIAMSON RICHARD WOODS ..........
September , 1967 17