1967-Voice Of The Tennessee Walking Horse 1967 October Voice RS | Page 29

COME UP , HOSS - Riding her special-made English saddle , Sally is pictured putting the pressure on SUNDANCE as she tied 10th at the 1963 Celebration .
Everybody likes surprises , and Bill Beaumont says that they have one for next year . They sold MIGHTY LITTLE GIRL during the Celebration , and have gone to work on a big secret for the 1968 season . About all he would say is , " Watch for the ROAD RUNNER
• . . Beep-beep !” That we will do ! Another feature attraction in the Beaumont family is Bettye Tom , their fourteen-year-old daughter . She was thrown when she was small and never developed the attraction for horses that Sally has , but she has excelled in an entirely different category . She recently won national acclaim as a Latin scholar in competition in Tucson , Arizona . She is a sophomore at Clarksville High School and is the best and prettiest " groom ” in the horse business . Our congratulations to Bettye Tom .
To Dr . William Beaumont , his lovely wife Betty and their two children , we wish to extend our wishes for much success in the future . We need more people such as you in the horse business . Smile !
October , 1967
GROWING FAST - MIGHTY LITTLE GIRL with Sally Beaumont up is pictured in action , showing quite a contrast with earlier pictures .