1967-Voice Of The Tennessee Walking Horse 1967 March Voice RS | Page 7

DID YOU MISS THE GOOD NEWS? Tennessee Walking Horse Breeders Association Endorses New Health Insurance Plan For Members! Maybe you missed the announcement about the new, low-cost income disability insurance program for members of The Tennessee Walking Horse Breeders Association. This program is fully approved and endorsed by the Association to give members the modern income protection they need at the low Association Group rates. HERE’S WHAT THIS PLAN CAN DO FOR YOU! Pays from $100.00 to $400.00 a month when sickness or injury stops you from working. Covers you on or off the job . . . in or out of the hospital. Gives you tax-free cash to spend as you wish . . . for whatever needs are most pressing. RETURN THE COUPON TODAY FOR MORE INFORMATION! underwritten by Mutual Mt: OF OMAHA Mutual of Omaha TENNESSEE WALKING HORSE BREEDERS ASSOCIATION INSURANCE PROGRAM. 3316 Farnam Street Omaha, Nebraska 68131 Please send me more information about the new insurance program available to members. Name__________________________________________________________ Insurance Company Life Insurance Affiliate: United of Omaha Home Office: Omaha, Nebraska Address________________________________________________________ City____________________________________________________________ State______._______________ _______ .Zip Code, 3-67 MARCH, 1967 7