1967-Voice Of The Tennessee Walking Horse 1967 March Voice RS | Page 31
he had a real problem. Dink had cut across the grass and
pulled up even with “their boy”. His mare was showing
them somethig special in the flat foot walk and was mak-
ing’em all look bad. As Lonny called for the running walk
he remembered that he had forgotten the specific instruc
tions that they had given to him about “waiting until
their horse got into the turn.” Dink had always told
everybody that they “really hadn’t seen what this marc
could do” and right now he believed him. Dink stayed
with his quarry until they headed for the straightway and
then he “really turned her on.” The crowd came to their
feet and picked him up just as he passed in front of
Lonny. The horse he was supposed to tic was looking
worse than ever as he passed in front of him. Dink’s mare
hit the back stretch with the crowd still with her. Lonny
heard Dink behind him as he hollered “come up mare”
and could not resist the temptation to turn around. He
was sorry that he did because that marc was really setting
back there getting it done in stake horse form.
As the horses lined up again. Lonny tried hard to con
centrate on his card. He had already marked his third,
fourth, fifth and sixth place horses but the one and two
places were blank. He thought to himself . . . “how in the
world did I ever get in this mess.” He signed his card
and handing it to the ringmaster, headed for the gate.
Helen met him as he started out and looked him square
in the eye, smiled and said . . . “Lonny Barnes ... I be
lieve I know what you did in that class”.
(continued next month)
Michigan Walking Horse News
By Mrs. J. Wade Titus
Galesburg, Michigan
Members of the Tennessee Walking Horse Club. Inc.,
met February 17 at the Charleston Township Hall, Gales
burg, Michigan. New officers of the club arc: President,
Mrs. J. Wade (Evelyn) Titus, of Galesburg, Michigan;
Vice-President, Mrs. Darlene Haase, Athens; Secretary-
Treasurer, Mrs. Jack (Maxine) Din