1967-Voice Of The Tennessee Walking Horse 1967 December Voice | Page 12
WELL DONE - Doug Wolaver takes a last look at GO BOY'S SUN DUST as Dr. and Mrs B S
Henry, proud owners of the new World Champion.
and their two daughters look on immediately after the big stallion was officially retired.
GO BOY’S SUN DUST, the 1967 World’s Grand
Champion Tennessee Walking Horse, was officially
retired at the recent Montgomery Southern Champ
ionship Horse Show. As the lights of the big indoor
arena of the Garrett Coliseum dimmed and the spot
light picked up the entrance of a black stallion as
he came around the ring, the large crowd burst into
immediate applause.
It was GO BOY’S SUN DUST, the 1967 World’s
Grand Champion Tennessee Walking Horse, making
his last performance under saddle. In the center of
the ring stood Dr. and Mrs. B. S. Henry of Russell-
and their two daughters, as they
watched with mixed emotions. Trainer Doug Wolaver,
Who rode GO BOY’S SUN DUST to his 1967 victory,
earned the horse both ways of the ring in three flaw-
ss an beautiful gaits. Many observers stated that
ne is one of the most natural and exciting World
C w^PI°uS We have had in years.
aadc^e was removed and the blanket of
a note 'faS j aced over his broad, muscular shoulders,
thp 1 * euro sadne,ss moved over the crowd for this was
a stallir*
a Sreat horse, a true champion,
WalkiigHorseworid.aigned h‘8 Way l° the tOP °f ^
DUST will stand at stud for the
Tennesqpo°n ? tbe W. Beech Stables in Lewisburg,
cessful year^hri1^ ^ n° doubt have a mOSt SUC'
the attributes of^htf^8 ^erywhere seek to caPture
tes of this great horse in their colts.
VOICE of the Tennessee Walking Hors<