1967-Voice Of The Tennessee Walking Horse 1967 August Voice RS | Page 43

( Continued from Page 16 ) v *
Now in its twenty-ninth year , the Celebration is a miracle of community effort . It was conceived by a civic club of Shelbyville whose members were inspired by the many festivals and similar events that were held each year to celebrate various other activities . It is now under the direction of the Celebration , Incorporated , a group of civicminded citizens . Great pride is taken in the success of this venture that has seen steady growth for many years .
The^ show itself has long since become known simply as the Celebration ” and indeed every horse enthusiast in the land , regardless of his breed , knows about this fabulous horse show and the Tennessee Walking Horse . With this in mind . . . let ’ s pursue the background of this classic event that is to the light horse world what the Kentucky Derby is to the Thoroughbreds .
What is the big attraction of the Celebration ? Why would a city the size of Shelbyville put itself so completely into a single project ? Like other horse shows throughout the nation , the Celebration is managed for the express purpose of raising funds for civic and community betterment , but the Celebration is more than that . When a town the size of Shelbyville , with a population of 11,800 , suddenly finds itself the host to twenty thousand strangers , nothing but southern hospitality at its very finest could cope with the complexities of lodging , feeding , traffic , and the multitude of other problems that a situation such as this creates . But Shelbyville is proud of the Celebration — after all , the show put Shelbyville in the limelight , and the citizens and merchants have a reputation to uphold . This they do with good will and a genuine eagerness to help the visitors truly enjoy their stay in the city of Champions .
Although the town is flooded with people in the daytime , in the evenings the streets are virtually empty , as
the visitors and many of the residents crowd the grandstands at the Celebration grounds . The grounds consist of approximately sixty acres of rolling land located in Shelbyville proper . There are stable facilities for over thirteen hundred horses and the permanent grandstands can hold 22,500 spectators with 3500 more seats being added this year . Much labor and planning goes into the preparation for the show each year and as one season ends the plans for the next year must start almost immediately , for the Celebration is a major endeavor .
To keep the grounds in good order , a maintenance crew works the year ’ round . As the big show approaches , new paint is added to the show ring , the vast speaker system is set up and put in working order , and box seats are numbered and signs painted . The turf in the big ring is turned and packed to assure perfect footing for the
horses . While the grounds are being put in show order , a
large staff of volunteer workers moves into the offices under the big grandstand to begin work on handling the entries , registrations , tickets and programs which are so
necessary . It is easy to imagine that they think , each time they receive an entry , “ Could this be the next World ’ s Grand Champion ?” Pondering this same question are visitors who stop to view the official “ Board of Champions ” which lists the great winners of the past . Another favorite spot for spectators is the large trophy case under the grandstand that holds the thoustands of dollars ’ worth of silver awards to be presented during the week of competition .
AUGUST , 1967
As show time approaches , people from all parts of the country and all walks of life converge on the Celebration grounds , bringing their horses and their hopes to the show . In the largest custom-built vans and the smallest one-horse trailers , on they come with their beloved Tennessee Walking Horses . Day by day the tempo increases until finally the early morning mist is broken by the blare of a loudspeaker and one hears the familiar sound of the barn office announcer heralding the proceedings of the day — and once again the time has come — the day that all Tennessee Walking Horse lovers look forward to throughout the year has finally arrived . The Celebration has begun !
As the excitement of the show increases , so do the various activities surrounding the Celebration . In and around Shelbyville are held several annual auction sales that feature many of the finest horses available . There is an excitement here that is paralleled nowhere else in the sports world , as the horses enter the sales arena and the auctioneer starts his chant . The bidding begins , and each interested party bids to his own satisfaction , trusting his judgment against all others in he hopes of owning a really fine Tennessee Walking Horse — a horse he can train , and dream about , and sweat over , and finally bring back to the hallowed ground of Middle Tennessee ... to the proving grounds of the breed ... to the Celebration !
This annual event is a complex and stimulating activity . It is one of the factors that make the Tennessee Walking Horse a “ different breed of cat ” as compared to other light horse breeds . Ours is the only show horse in the land that looks to no higher authority for recognition . Horse show associations , state organizations , regional associations and other entities having to do with the various show horse activities all take a back seat to the Celebration when it comes to recognition of our “ world champions .”
Several attempts have been made to wrest the “ World Championship ” status away from this middle Tennessee classic , but every attempt has failed , because in the minds of Walking Horse enthusiasts everywhere , a horse is not a true champion unless he has won the “ Celebration .”
The attraction of the Celebration is somewhat varied . It is many things to many people . To a trainer it represents a pinnacle of his yearly activity . The winning of a top class at the Celebration has literally “ made ” many trainers . In some cases it has ruined trainers who were not ready to handle the “ smell of success ” and the attention and publicity that goes with winning . To the horse owners it represents “ an expenditure ” that only a blue ribbon can account for . To professional farriers it represents a “ Mecca ” for business and ten days of constant work . To countless others , the Celebration represents a diversion from their routine activities and they come by the thousands to share in the success of some and the failures of others . . . they project themselves into the saddle as a big-time champion makes the turn in the running walk . . . and to dream a little as the crowd picks up a popular favorite and , right or wrong , cheers it on in an effort to “ sway the judges ” to their way of thinking . It is a great show ! We hope to see you there !